
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Hassan Nasrallah: The Patron Saint Of Jihad

Somehow, Hizbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah's image has made it onto Rosaries in Lebanon.

Christians are pissed, and who can blame them?

Terrorist leader Hassan Nasrallah has made his way onto Christian bracelets and rosaries. His supporters say that he is thought of as a saint.

For some strange reason, Christians are upset that Hezbollah leader Nasrallah is appearing on rosaries and trinkets next to Mary and the saints.
Now Lebanon reported:

A picture of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah is not unusual in Lebanon. The Hezbollah leader, adored by party supporters and admired by many others, is depicted everywhere from posters to cigarette lighters. But circulating online are images of Nasrallah’s face on a bracelet of pictures of Christian saints, and of Nasrallah on a rosary. To some, the sight of a living Muslim militia leader has no place in Christian iconography. 

Controversy has been further stoked by scenes from a Hezbollah promotional video, in which a choir is singing a pro-Hezbollah song in a church. Reports suggest that the church is Mar Youssef in the Hezbollah stronghold of Haret Hreik in southern Beirut, but many have been outraged nonetheless, and the video was posted on the website of the Lebanese Forces Christian political party to widespread condemnation.

The outcry by some Christians pushed the party into answering questions about the controversial religious items. Hussein Rahhal, the party’s media relations chief, spoke on Sunday on Free Lebanon Radio, saying that Hezbollah did not make the rosary or bracelet, and that the people behind them were likely Christian. Citing Article 9 of the Lebanese constitution, which calls, he said, for freedom of religious expression, Rahhal claimed that many Christians and others thought of Nasrallah as a saint. He declared that it was not his responsibility to tell them otherwise, rather saying that the mix of Christian with Hezbollah imagery was a “good sign of co-existence and love.”
ANSA reported that a video was also recently published on the internet showing a choir of young people praise the Shiite movement under the roof of a Christian church in Beirut.


  1. I think this is great.

    He should now be enshrined on stained glass windows in churches all over Lebanon.

    Maybe on the bottom of toilet seat covers as well, so every time you piss in Lebanon you can think of him.

    Do we have a product here?

    Any buyers for this?

  2. As a lifelong Catholic (often lapsed) I believe my fellow Fisheaters should start rioting in the streets of Paris, overturning and torching cars, spray paint the walls of mosques in London, throw rocks at their windows, make up some signs calling for the rack and iron maiden for anyone who sells, buys or wears such a rosary (which, of course, can be avoided by purchasing some indulgences), call for excommunication for whoever thunk up this lameass insult.

    Oh yeah, while we're on a roll I say we sack and take back Istanbul.

    Remember, first we pillage, THEN we burn

  3. It's a shame... I was curious to read your blog. I stopped at... "Terrorist leader Hassan Nasrallah ", even thgouh I disagree with him myself.

  4. Hi The Fool,
    The phrase "terrorist leader Hassan Nasrallah" came from a report from Gateway. I wrote the intro above the words, "From Gateway:"

    That being said, Hassan Nasrallah is the leader of HIzbollah, which is considered a terrorist organization by the USA. I recognize that in Lebanon, Hizbollah is considered a proper political party, but there are many countries in this world which do have tyrannical parties in power.

    Hizbollah is, to my mind, an Islamist political party which operates it's own militia which functions as a shadow military behind the Lebanese governments authority.

    this is wrong, no matter how you slice it. Terrorist organization seems like a good classification to me.

    What do you find wrong with that classification?

  5. What's wrong with it? A lot of Lebanese citizens, Christian and Muslim, consider him to be a great man because he stood up to Israeli and Western imperialism and colonialism. So what if he's Muslim. He still stood up to the powers.

    It's funny no-one gets angry at the fact that Israel still occupies part of Lebanese territory(Shebaa) and continues to commit acts of aggression and ethnic cleansing there. Where's the outrage there?

    And I've seen many so-called "Christian" pastors and leaders that have spewed messages of hate against people of other faiths, particularly Muslims. Coupled with the fact that most Christians in the Middle East are ignored by their brethren in the West, primarily because most of them oppose the colonialist Zionist regime and it's tactics of expansionism on their land. White Western-Europeans and Americans aren't the only Christians, and it disgusts me that you ignore us just because we think different than you. Maybe if you were having to suffer at the hands of the same regime as we are, you'd think like we do.

    Fighting imperialism and colonialism and expansionism is NOT terrorism.

  6. If you were really following what's going on you would know that there are almost no churches in Egypt, and most of the Christians have fled.

    Almost every Christian fled Iran.

    Most of the Christians have fled Iraq, since we helped install the Sharia-based government of Iraq.

    In Sudan, the Arab Muslim government carried on a 25 year long genocide against primarily black Christians. They also enslaved millions of black women and raped them. The other group they went after were the Sufi Muslims. If you know about Sufi Islam, you would know that it is the most peaceful form of Islam, emphasizing that we are all one in Love.

    Furthermore, Bibles and Jews are not allowed in Saudi Arabia. Did you know that?

    Did you know that the Philippines ceded part of the island of Mindano to Muslims and the Muslims threaten, behead, and kidnap Christians there on a continual basis.

    Did you know that they behead Christians in Indonesia.

    Did you know that they regularly kill Christians in Nigeria.

    It goes on and on.
