
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Obama Ticks Off the Vatican

Obama already alienating the Church. I, personally, would rather not have my tax dollars funding abortion anywhere, let alone overseas.

Times of India:

Vatican accuses Obama of 'arrogance'

24 Jan 2009, 2105 hrs IST, AFP

ROME: A senior Vatican official on Saturday attacked US President Barack Obama for "arrogance" for overturning a ban on state funding for family-planning groups that carry out or facilitate abortions overseas.

It is "the arrogance of someone who believes they are right, in signing a decree which will open the door to abortion and thus to the destruction of human life," Archbishop Rino Fisichella was quoted as saying by the Corriere della Sera daily. . .

"What is important is to know how to listen... without locking oneself into ideological visions with the arrogance of a person who, having the power, thinks they can decide on life and death," he added. Obama signed the executive order cancelling the eight-year-old restrictions on Friday, the third full day of his presidency.

The so-called "global gag rule" cut off US funding to overseas family planning clinics which provide any abortion services whatsoever, from the operation itself to counselling, referrals or post-abortion services.

"If this is one of the first acts of President Obama, with all due respect, it seems to me that the path towards disappointment will have been very short," Fisichella said.

"I do not believe that those who voted for him took into consideration ethical themes, which were astutely left aside during the election debate. The majority of the American population does not take the same position as the president and his team," he added.

The order won Obama praise from Democratic lawmakers, family planning and women's rights groups but drew angry condemnation from pro-life organisations and Republicans.

More than 250 health and human rights organisations from around the world sent Obama a letter, thanking him for ending a policy "which has contributed to the deaths and injuries of countless women and girls."


  1. My comment at Gateway :
    If those from the Roman Catholic Church (and all pro-life churches) had ASKED the tough question DURING the campaign and then publicized the answer (my guess--it would have been a NON-answer -which IS an answer)...We would probably not have a pro-death Pres. of the US ...
    YE have not --because Ye ASK not...
    Now it's too late...

  2. CS -- I agree. Some of us asked and hollered and screamed. Not enough. Those that didn't were too lazy to believe anything but what MSM told them. Couldn't get off their asses to chnage the channel or open a book or read a blog. SO here thye have taken us.

  3. MR,
    too lazy to believe anything but what MSM told them

    The media are complicit in Obamamania.

  4. Fortunately (unfortunately for Obama…) the US president is not The Son of Man

    + + +

    The Gospel according to St Matthew:

    When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then he will sit on the throne of his glory. Before him, all the nations will be gathered and he will separate them one from another, just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will place the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.

    Then, the King will tell those on his right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of my Father! Inherit the Kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of the world! For I was hungry and you gave me food to eat; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you took me in. I was naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you visited me; I was in prison, and you came to me.’

    Then the righteous will answer him, saying: ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you; or thirsty and give you a drink? When did we see you as a stranger and take you in; or naked, and clothe you? When did we see you sick, or in prison, and visited you?’

    The King will answer them, ‘Amen, I tell you: AS MUCH AS YOU DID IT TO ONE OF THE LEAST OF THESE MY BROTHERS, YOU DID IT TO ME.’

    Then, he will also say to those on his left hand, ‘Depart from me, you accursed, into the eternal fire which is prepared for the devil and his angels! For I was hungry and you gave me no food; I was thirsty and you gave me no drink; I was a stranger and you did not receive me; naked, and you did not clothe me; sick, and in prison, and you did not visit me.’

    Then, they will answer, saying: ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not help you?’

    Then he will answer them, saying: ‘Amen, I tell you: AS MUCH AS YOU DID NOT DO IT TO ONE OF THE LEAST OF THESE, YOU DID NOT DO IT TO ME.’ These ones on the left will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”

    + + +

    And who are “the least of us”?

  5. Public funding should be kept out of all sides of this issue. (Of course it should be kept out of countless other issues, but this one is particularly sensitive.) No one on either side should force anyone else to pay for implementation of their policies.

    Meanwhile, all of you: ask yourselves if you can look a 14-year-old (or 24-year-old or 40-year old) rape victim in the face and tell her she is not as important as the fetus of her rapist and must re-live the rape every day for the next 9 months but "having the rapist's baby". Double points if you throw in some "forgiveness" bullshit.

    ...If you could look your wife in the face when she is 8 months pregnant and test shows the fetus has died (strangled by the cord or for whatever reason) and tell her she has to lie there with a dead body inside her until she can "give birth" the "natural" way.

    If you could look your 18-year-old daughter in the face and call her a slut as she lies in her hospital bed with septicemia because her desperation drove her to a back alley.

    If you could look your mother in the face and call her "murdering bitch" because you found out she aborted a fetus at the age of 18.

    If you can look your wife in the face, thump your Bible, and instruct her that your New Years Eve unprotected "celebration" has consequences and means she will have to put off returning to the profession she loves for another 10-15 years or so.

    If you can look a friend's wife in the face and tell her she is evil, damned to hell and her husband should divorce her because she knew she did not like kids and would make a lousy mother and acted on it.

    I won't look at the answers. I would rather not know. Because some of you are going to answer "yes" and I don't know how I could bear to talk to you again.

    I will never bring up this subject no matter what the hell Obambi chooses to do. I will, however, respond to those who do. And I won't be "nice". I'm not a "nice" person.

  6. So basically you're saying that men have no business ever stating an opinion on the lives of children, even their own children, except, "Uh yessa ma'am, whativva you wants ma'am, why tha's jess fine with me, Yessirree, t'ain't none uh ma business no way no how...."

    Re: "If you can look your wife in the face, thump your Bible, and instruct her that your New Years Eve unprotected "celebration" has consequences and means she will have to put off returning to the profession she loves for another 10-15 years or so."

    Yeah, sure, a man has no business discussing his own children. Especially in America -- men are just submissive weasels. I get it.

    From those bizarre scenarios you've listed, "revereridesagain", you must have some really creepy circle of friends ...

    Obviously you're "not nice". You're a homicidal maniac. Why do you feel the need to point out, redundantly, that you're not nice and are happy to stoke the fires of Hell?

    I don't get it.
