Anyway, just thought you guys would find this interesting, if not downright hilarious, as I do. This is great stuff:
- Adam the "Anti-Semite" said...
Rolf Krake did what every "good Jew" must do, acuse anyone who dares disagree with them of anti-Semitism. The label of anti-Semite used to be applied to one who hates Jews. Now it refers to anyone hated by Jews.
Nice use of Godwin's law by the way. Because anyone who opposes Kosher slaughter is a Nazi. It can't be because, I don't know, Kosher slaughter is BARBARIC and SADISTIC? I do not see how opposing a primitive, brutal, and out-dated means of slaughtering animals translates into hatred of everyone who belongs to the (purely fictitious) Jewish "race."
Plenty of ethnic Jews oppose kosher slaughter. By the way, even if kosher slaughter is banned in all civilized nations, that does not constitute a real restriction on religious freedom. Jews do not HAVE to keep kosher just because they are Jews, however, if observant Orthodox Jews do not have access to kosher meat they still have the option of a kosher vegetarian diet, and if they don't like it, they are more than welcome to move to Israel, you know their Jewish state that we've ALL (Americans, British, French Germans; both Jews and Goyim) worked to build/maintain.
You know what is the real reason for anti-Semitism? The self-righteous, persecution complex and the extreme collectivism shared by SOME (not all) Jews.
Prohibitting kosher slaughter will not lead to the eradication of Judaism, but even if it does, GOOD RIDDANCE! That would mean one less vile Abrahamic religion. One down, two more to go!
But I forgot, Jews are the "Chosen People" and the Goyim are unworthy. Oh, dear, what have I done? I must be an anti-Semite! (Even though I am 1/4 Jewish. Does that make me only 3/4 anti-Semite? Or does it make me 1/4 self-hating Jew?)- Pastorius said...
How do you know Rolf is a Jew?- Adam the "Anti-Semite" said...
@ Pastorius:
Isn't it obvious? There are only two three possibilities: either Rolf is openly Jewish, Rolf is a crypto-Jew lying about his Judaic affiliation, or Rolf is a Shabbos Goy (gentile useful idiot).
If either of the first two are correct (i.e. that Rolf is Jewish), I find his self-righteous, supremacist attitude and paranoid persecution complex extremely disagreeable, but I can at least forgive him partially for behaving in what he believes to be HIS interests. If he is in fact a Gentile, then Rolf is a disgusting traitor for siding with a (minority) faction of Jewry (that does not speak for Jews-as-a-whole) against humanity at large.
He uses rhetorical tactics that are typically (though not exclusively) employed by Jews, namely libelous insinuations and thr "reducto ad Hitlerum." Based on HIS concerns, I can almost guarantee that Rolf Krake is a religious Jew feigning atheism/secularism.
...oh wait! How do I know he is even "feigning" atheism? Whoops! I misread infidel, interpreting it in the sense that Secular Web ( uses it, as in "atheist" or "humanist." I should have known that a neoconservative blog like "Infidel Blogger's Alliance" would use infidel in the broader sense that Muslims use it, as in anyone who is not Muslim.
In either case, I think it obvious that Rolf Krake is an Orthodox Jewish Zionist (either Modern Orthodox or Chardal) by his concerns alone. I doubt a secular Jew or a Reform Jew for that matter would care too much about bans on kosher slaughter, no matter their views on Zionism and the state of Israel. I also think it obvious that he is aligned with Zionism, certainly not with Neturei Karta or Satmar, based on what he subconsciously reveals about his (paranoid neocon) world view. Jew or not, Rolf is definitely a Zionist!
What makes you think Rolf might not be a Jew, Pastorius?
In either case, bans on kosher and halal slaughter may work in everybody's favor, including Jews! (Especially Jews.) Think about it. Were such bans put in place, most Orthodox Jews would emigrate en masse to Israel.- said...
Animal rights advocates can be grateful that very barbaric, brutal, and gruesome means of ritual slaughter are outlawed.
Anti-Semites can take solace in the fact that there will be less Jews in their home state or country.
Jews benefit in two ways:
(a) Ritual slaughter bans would prohibit kosher AND halal slaughter. The reduction in the halal meat supply would serve to impede Muslim immigration and even provoke Muslim emmigration. (Jews HATE Muslims!)
(b) Outlawing Kosher slaughter in the United States and Europe would pressure Orthodox Jews to immigrate to Israel, thus keeping Jewish numbers in Israel-Palestine up.
Oh, wait! But if Orthodox Jews emigrate en masse from the United States, Great Britain, France, and Germany (Israel's "Big Four" guardians), then who is going to lobby Americans, British, French, and Germans to continue giving financial and military assistance to Israel? The great influx of Jews to Israel may not be enough to keep the Arabs at bay without armaments, munitions, and monetary aid, or without the USA to fight wars on behalf of Israeli interests.
Luckily for the Jewish Zionists, there would be plenty of Reform Jews and secular Jews who tend to be the most staunch supporters of Israel and Zionism remaining even without kosher meat, so the ADL, AIPAC, and other Zionist groups need not go understaffed after kosher and halal slaughter bans. Not to mention, with a mass-exodus of Orthodox Jews, nearly all anti-Zionist Haredim would move to Israel, thus removing an obstacle to pro-Zionist Jews in the "Big Four" guardian nations.
So considering that: (a) ritual slaughter bans would mean greater per capita Muslim emmigration than per capita Jewish emmigration, and it would impede more Muslim immigration than Jewish immigration per capita; (b) drive out Haredi obstructors; (c) bring more Jews to Israel; (d) placate anti-Semites; it is probably in the best Zionist interests to forbid kosher and halal slaughter. If anything, Zionist Jews ought to throw their full power behind movements to make ritual slaughter illegal! (At least covertly.) I just think that Rolf is too myopic to notice.
Recap: more Jews in Israel, fewer hated Muslims in Israel's guardian nations, fewer (if any) treacherous Haredi anti-Zionists in Israel's guardian nations...
Just think, the Jewish remnant (being mostly Reform or secular) in the USA, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, etc. would continue to support the Zionist project without the obstructive antics of Neturei Karta and their allies, and the Jewish remnant would have fewer pesky Muslims to deal with. Plus, waves of Jewish immigration to Israel would help the Jews stave off the Arab population explosion.
Ironically, by (once again) caving into Jewish pressure, the European Union actually worked against the agenda of many Jews without awareness!- Adam "the Anti-Semite" said...
One more point and I'm done:
Does anybody notice the Original Artwork by Bosch Fawstin?
It contains a cartoony silhouette of a hulkish man and reads: AGAINST "THE WORLD"
Notice anything? The shadowy figure has a Star of David and an American flag on his torso with a large looming Star of David in the background.
Who has the larger symbol? Which symbol is on top? Which symbol appears more? This not-so-subtle Zionist propaganda should open the eyes of you useful idiot Goyim as to who is in charge and what this whole "clash of civilizations" is all about.
If we are really at war with Islamic extremism, why did the USA divert resources from fighting the real perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks in Afghanistan to fight one of Israel's main enemies in the Levant? Why does the USA (Israel's guardian) support the Islamo-fascist Saudi monarchy, you know the regime of Saudi Arabia, home of Wahabbist Islam and of most of the 9/11 hijackers?
Wake from your slumber you dumb Shabbos Goyim!- Pastorius said...
Neither Rolf Krake nor Bosch Fawstin are Jewish, and neither am I.
In fact, Bosch Fawstin was born and raised a Muslim.
You are an intelligent guy, but you live by pathetically small stereotypes.- Adam the "Anti-Semite" said...
Pastorius, while I appreciate your attempts to inform me, I think I prefer to live by "pathetically small stereotypes" if the alternative is submission to the neoconservative, radical Zionist agenda and prostration before Jewish Zionist overlords. That may be the path taken by Rolf Krake, Bosch Fawstin, and yourself, but that path is not for everyone, nor is it my path. I prefer stubborn nonviolent resistance, civil disobedience, and peaceful protest to cowardly surrender.
I felt so certain that Mr. "Rolf Krake" is a Jew. That would at least make sense, and I would at least understand, but just when I thought I could not respect him any less, I found out that he is a treacherous, cowardly Gentile.
I was going to ask him if any of his ancestors perished from the Shoah, or if any escaped, and if so how many. But does anyone think that by equating animal welfare advocates, environmentalists, and other people that Rolf Krake does not like to Nazis he might be, you know, trivializing the Holocaust? Don't you think it might be, dare I say it, insensitive to make light of the slaughter of millions of Jews by equating contrary political viewpoints to Nazism? In defense of Rolf Krake, he is too stupid to realize how offensive such sensationalist propaganda could be to real Jews. As their Shabbos Goy, Rolf is proficient at such stereotypically Jewish propaganda techniques as sensationalism, ad hominem attacks, Orwellian doublespeak, and outright lies and fabrication, as exemplified by this very blog post. However, he lacks the critical thinking skills to recognize when he has crossed the line of poor taste.
Idiot goyim like Mr. "Rolf Krake" might be skillful when it comes to regurgitating Zionist talking points, but he lacks the common sense to realize when he undermines his own message. (And in this case, it makes sense why a gullible goy-toy like "Rolf Krake" would actually go against the Zionist agenda. It never occurs to him that ritual slaughter bans may be in the best long-term interests of Zionism!)
But since he invoked the Nazis to make a political point, if anything the Zionists are the real Nazis:
Zionist Role in the Holocaust:
Nazi Support of Zionism:
Zionism Supports Anti-Semitism:
Also, check out 51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration With the Nazis by Lenni Brenner.
Not even Jews are spared from brutal Zionist treachery.- Adam the "Anti-Semite" said...
Granting that Rolf Krake and Bosch Fawstin are not Jews, and neither are you, the fact remains that all three of you are radical Zionist neocons! Why would Goyim such as yourself take up the Zionist cause? Are you hired mercenaries? Did the Jews blackmail you? Or are any of you brainwashed by such Zionist movements as "Christian Zionism" or Dispensationalism? Are any of you Evangelical useful idiots of the Zionists, in which case you are at least sincere, or are you all whores and sell-outs?
It is apparent that the Jews recruited Rolf Krake to be their mouth, you to be Rolf Krake's brain (as evidenced by the fact that YOU take up the task of responding to comments on HIS blog, in which case I hope you are at least aware of how distasteful the "Reducto ad Hitlerum" on the part of Rolf Krake really is, I'm counting on you to be smart enough), and Bosch Fawstin to be their cartoonist. Rolf Krake does the mindless ghostwriting, you do the thinking for him, and Bosch Fawstin does the illustration. Perhaps if you read up on the dark history of Zionism, about Rudolf Kastner, or what men like Theodor Herzl and David ben Gurion actually thought and said, you might rethink your endorsement of Zionism.
The Zionists are a misguided lot (to the extent that they are not pure evil), and most otherwise reasonable Jews have been duped into endorsing Zionism by a sinister leadership, on the belief that the sad fact of the Holocaust necessitates the Zionist project. One of the underlying premises of Zionism is that Jews were victims of genocide and thus have the right to commit genocide, primitive Old Testament tribal revenge-justice.
However, Orthodox Jews are no better. You might align yourself with Zionist Jewry because of a common enemy. Jewish hatred if Islam is limited to the Muslim resistance to Jewish colonialism. Many Jews hate Islam, but they hate Christianity even more! [Ultra-Orthodox Jews believe that the Gentiles must obey the so-called "Noahide Laws" which prohibit, among other things, idolatry, on pain of death. Christians, along with pagans, are guilty of idolatry according to such Jews, and therefore must be slaughtered pursuant to their "Noahide Laws." The same ultra-Orthodox rabbis are on the fence with regards to Islam and are therefore divided on whether Islam is an idolatrous gentile religion or a "Noahide" religion. Accordingly, traditionalist Orthodox Jews are more unanimous in their hatred of Christians than in their hatred of Muslims.]
To understand the traditional Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox Jewish perspective on Jesus Christ and Christians, please refer to the following links.
On Jesus Christ:
On Christianity:
[The above links are to a site run by Chabad Lubavitch. I link to them because they are a widely-known, and respected Hassidic Jewish group, and they mention Talmudic teachings about Jesus, confirming that the Yeshu of the Talmud refers to Jesus of the New Testament. There are more resources on Talmudic teachings about Jesus Christ, Christianity, and the gentiles, however I wanted to show you a source "from the horse's mouth" lest somebody bark allegations of anti-Semitic slander, or claim that the Yeshu of the Talmud is an entirely different figure from the Jesus of the New Testament.]
If you are a Christian, how can you work with such allies? For more information on Orthodox Jewish criminality, I recommend you check the Failed Messiah blog by Shmarya Rosenberg, a secular Jew who became a Baal Teshuva but came back around after becoming disillusioned with Orthodox Judaism in general, Chabad Lubavitch in particular. You can find the blog at: Adam the "Anti-Semite" said...
Worse still, all the whines and shrieks of "anti-Semitism" will only make the problem worse. The Holocaust was a horrible tragedy, but that does not confer "special rights" on the Jews. Jews are not entitled to any rights just because they are Jews, they are entitled to rights because they are human beings. Therefore, Jews are no better or worse than anyone else, so let's drop the "Chosen People" shit!
However, the Zionist Jews are always demanding special treatment. It's not good enough that they have their own Judenstaat, supported by every Western nation. They need special treatment. I think as long as Jews have their Jewish state to retreat to, and as long as the gracious host nations invest so many resources in maintaining said Jewish homeland, isn't it fair to allow the gentile nations to live under their values and not the reactionary values of Orthodox Jews or militant Zionists? If a gentile nation wishes to outlaw cruelty to animals (i.e. brutal kosher and halal slaughter, which is NOT more humane than more conventional methods, see for yourself if you have the guts!), then so be it. [And don't disguise this as a "religious freedom" issue. A Somali immigrant is free to practice Islam within reasonable bounds, which means he can not use "freedom of religion" as a justification for a "right" to practice FGM on his daughter.] Jews who want to live in Western nations must accept Western values. (Which most do, at least the non-Orthodox Jews.) If they do not, they have their own damn country! However, Zionist Jews wish to "have their cake and eat it too." Which is it? Is your mission to establish a safe haven for Jews in Palestine or is it to force every other nation to be a Jewish homeland? If the former, then perhaps the Jews should stop telling gentile nations how to conduct their internal affairs. If the latter, then the entire Zionist endeavor is rendered moot.
Thanks to Orwellian Doublespeak, anyone who supports animal welfare is an anti-Semite. Anyone who supports human rights is an anti-Semite. Anyone who opposes imperialism is an anti-Semite. Notice anything? All this bitching about anti-Semitism, at first by Jews, now by their Shabbos Goyim, will only further undermine the meaning of the term. It is a case of the boy who cried wolf. (The Rolf who cried wolf?) As the guardian goyim continue to send foreign aid to Israel, during tough economic times, and should more Americans die in wars fought on behalf of Israel, expect anti-Semitism to rise. Groups like the ADL continue to chase "anti-Semitism" as they define it while allowing the REAL anti-Semites (i.e. neo-Nazis) to go about their business. That is because Zionism THRIVES on anti-Semitism.
And since you mention Bosch Fawstin, you claim that he is (was?) a Muslim. An Islamic Zionist? Is that sniveling coward Bosch Fawstin still Muslim or did he convert? If he converted, was it before or after he betrayed his people by siding with those who would EXTERMINATE them? And what religion does he now practice? Is he a Christian Zionist (Evangelical useful-idiot in the mold of John Hagee)? Is he a "Benei Noah" (adherent of the Noahide slave religion)?
Of course, nowhere did I state that "Bosch Fawstin" is Jewish (though I do consider him a coward and a traitor). I was only pointing out that he is a "Jewish supremacist" (if not a Jew himself) as evidenced by the not-so-subtle indication that he favors Israel over the United States of America. The Israeli flag appears ABOVE the American flag, the Star of David appears twice while the American flag appears only once, the Star of David appears LARGER than the American flag. Three ways of indicating where Mr. Bosch Fawstin's true loyalties lie. That he is an Israel-first GENTILE makes him all the more despicable.
I can't wait to see the looks on all your faces when your Jewish Zionist masters no longer need you, and they turn on you like a pack of wild jackals...
I don't know about any of you other "neocon goyim" who blog here with me, but I couldn't give a shit what Jews think.
I do what I do because I think it's right.
I am not anti-semetic but I am anti Islam BUT I do think Halal and Kosher slaughter methods should be outlawed in civilized countries.
ReplyDeleteWith the muslims proposing to build huge halal slaughterhouses in the UK it is just another step to creating an infrstructure ready for takeover of the UK.
The fact is we could not ban halal slaughter without banning kosher slaughter. Absolutely NOTHING to do with anti-semetism.
ReplyDeleteI don't know anything about Halal or Kosher slaughter methods.
And, I don't much care. It is, as far as I'm concerned, a peripheral issue.
However, the idea that this guy, this Truther, would go off on an anti-Semitic diatribe because of a guy's comment on the subject, is ludicrous.
Rolf Krake, I know I am more than a little bit late with this response, but I can't thank you enough for publicizing my comments. I hope you realize that I win by default.
ReplyDeleteIncidentally, I am happy to hear that you found my comments "downright hilarious" but I would like to correct some of your errors. First off, the blog I linked to was not my blog. That blog, Jewish Racism belongs to one Christopher Jon Bjerkens and I AM NOT HIM. You can find his main Jewish Racism site where he has a video page, which I am sure you will find "downright hilarious" as well. (I did!)
Allow me to clarify. I am NOT a so-called 9-11 "Truther." I do not deny the "official story" behind 9/11 because no evidence suggests that the attacks were an "inside job" or Mossad false flag attack, but there is more than enough evidence linking the attacks to Islamist operatives. Of course, the mainstream explanation for the events is technically a conspiracy theory, albeit one favored by the evidence, unlike the nutball "conspiracy theories" suggesting the attacks were orchestrated by the American or Israeli governments. (Note that the word "theory" is misused by creationist morons and other pseudoscientists. Also the 9/11 attacks were by definition a conspiracy, albeit one by Islamic extremists.)
Incidentally, if you actually read my comments, rather than skimmed them for your amusement, you would know that I am not a "Truther" as exemplified by:
"If we are really at war with Islamic extremism, why did the USA divert resources from fighting the real perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks in Afghanistan to fight one of Israel's main enemies in the Levant?"
[Implying that Al Quaeda and Osama bin Laden bear responsibility. Notice that I did not mention "Washington, D.C." or "Wall Street" or "Israel" in place of "Afghanistan."]
"Why does the USA (Israel's guardian) support the Islamo-fascist Saudi monarchy, you know the regime of Saudi Arabia, home of Wahabbist Islam and of most of the 9/11 hijackers?"
[Implying that Osama bin Laden and Al Quaeda are based in Saudi Arabia and are NOT CIA or Mossad agents or fronts.]
As a matter of fact, I was FOR the action in Afghanistan, (the Taliban themselves had next to nothing to do with the attacks, but they were harboring some of those directly responsible, a casus belli). I was of course, opposed to the war in Iraq, which was primarily launched to further the Zionist agenda. Please note that if I link to a site, it does not mean I endorse everything the author states. After all, I obviously do not endorse the ultra-Orthodox Talmudic world view of Neturei Karta even if I link to their sites. As for Bjerknes, I would take what he says with a grain of salt. I do not much care for his tendency towards paranoid conspiracy theories, but he does occasionally have interesting insights on the matters. I mainly linked to his blog, because the content is often inflammatory, outrageous, or over-the-top. (Not unlike your very blog post, but his blog is at least a little less nonsensical than yours.)
However, the idea that this guy, this Truther, would go off on an anti-Semitic diatribe because of a guy's comment on the subject, is ludicrous."
ReplyDeletePastorius, first off, I am not a "Truther." Second off, I hope you know that calling my diatribe "anti-Semitic" does not faze me. That term has been so over-used it has lost all meaning. In fact, EVERYONE is by definition "anti-Semitic" to some degree except for Jews (probably excluding "self-hating" Jews) and Shabbos Goyim who bow before them. The label of "anti-Semite" is little more than a smear word. [Hence why I ironically called myself Adam the "anti-Semite"] Finally, while I grant that my comments, were long, rambling, and at times disjointed, not to mention my tone was a bit harsh and my rhetoric was rather inflammatory, please remember what I was responding to. Rolf's comment on the subject was itself ludicrous! Granted, you may not give a fuck one way or the other, but do you really think it's fair for Rolf to call opponents of animal cruelty Nazis? (Never mind that the comparison Rolf Krake made in his diatribe was completely fucking irrelevant!) Does not Pastorius find the reducto ad hitlerum on his part to be distasteful, and dare I say, a trivialization of the memory of the Holocaust? Notice that not once in my lengthy "diatribe" did I make light of the Holocaust or exploit it for some cheap political point.
[Furthermore, if Rolf is not in fact a Jew, why does he care about the legal status kosher slaughter? What is his interest in such halachic minutiae? And correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Rolf an American? What the fuck business is it of his what the European Union does? When will you dickless neocons learn to stop telling the rest of the world what to do? And for the record, this has nothing to do with freedom of religion but everything to do with Jewish power. In most of Western civilization (USA included), "freedom of religion" means freedom of conscience, i.e. the right to believe. Practice was always a gray area. Individuals should be free to dress a certain way, or go to whatever religious building, but in extreme cases where religious practices are at variance with the mores of the community, the secular law presides. After all, if the overwhelming majority of the state (including many Jews) believes that slitting an animal's throat and hanging it to slowly bleed out is an inhumane way to slaughter an animal, why should Orthodox Jews get special exemption? OTHERWISE, why can't Jains or Christian nudists go naked in public or Mormons and Muslims of an ultra-conservative bent legally marry more than one wife?]
In retrospect, I regret linking to Bjerknes' blog. Perhaps I should have linked to Jewish Tribal Review or to Gilad Atzmon's site instead. The former site is a compendium of articles about Jewish power and influence, or critiquing Zionism and the Jewish religion or modern Jewish secular identity. Many if not most of the articles were written by Jews, btw. Gilad Atzmon is a secularized Jew who was born in Israel but who critiques Zionism and the secular Jewish identity.
ReplyDeleteI don't know about any of you other "neocon goyim" who blog here with me, but I couldn't give a shit what Jews think.
What's that you say? You don't give a shit what your Jewish overlords think? Just wait until they hear about the indifference of their precious shabbos goy Rolf Krake! I think I should notify the ADL, but you can feel free to forward my rants. If you do, they will only roll their eyes and kvetch, "oy vey, another anti-Zionist Jew hater! He's probably just a Holocaust denier and/or 9-11 truther!" If they see your admission of apathy, that would really shock them... (As for my assertion that you are a neoconservative, well you and I both know how painfully obvious it is that you are.)
"I do what I do because I think it's right."
Smells like bullshit to me, but either way, there are only three or four ways to interpret that statement.
(1) Rolf is lying, which would be unsurprising given his lack of ethics or integrity, as he is the Jew's bitch but not particularly proud of the fact.
(2-A) Rolf genuinely believes he is an independent thinker but he is too stupid;
(2-B) or too brainwashed to realize that he is a mindless servant.
[The two possibilities are not mutually exclusive. He may not be stupid but just brainwashed, or he is brainwashed and stupid, or just stupid.]
(3) Rolf truly does personally advocate what he claims to, irrespective of any Jewish concerns, which says a lot about his moral compass. He does what he thinks is right, in which case, he believes that cruelty to animals in keeping with halchic minutiae is acceptable. He thinks apartheid, ethnic cleansing, genocide, and other racist practices currently or previously practiced or endorsed by Zionists are perfectly kosher. He thinks that libeling and slandering his opponents is right.
In retrospect, I regret linking to Bjerknes' blog. Perhaps I should have linked to Jewish Tribal Review or to Gilad Atzmon's site instead. The former site is a compendium of articles about Jewish power and influence, or critiquing Zionism and the Jewish religion or modern Jewish secular identity. Many if not most of the articles were written by Jews, btw. Gilad Atzmon is a secularized Jew who was born in Israel but who critiques Zionism and the secular Jewish identity.
ReplyDeleteI don't know about any of you other "neocon goyim" who blog here with me, but I couldn't give a shit what Jews think.
What's that you say? You don't give a shit what your Jewish overlords think? Just wait until they hear about the indifference of their precious shabbos goy Rolf Krake! I think I should notify the ADL, but you can feel free to forward my rants. If you do, they will only roll their eyes and kvetch, "oy vey, another anti-Zionist Jew hater! He's probably just a Holocaust denier and/or 9-11 truther!" If they see your admission of apathy, that would really shock them... (As for my assertion that you are a neoconservative, well you and I both know how painfully obvious it is that you are.)
"I do what I do because I think it's right."
Smells like bullshit to me, but either way, there are only three or four ways to interpret that statement.
(1) Rolf is lying, which would be unsurprising given his lack of ethics or integrity, as he is the Jew's bitch but not particularly proud of the fact.
(2-A) Rolf genuinely believes he is an independent thinker but he is too stupid;
(2-B) or too brainwashed to realize that he is a mindless servant.
[The two possibilities are not mutually exclusive. He may not be stupid but just brainwashed, or he is brainwashed and stupid, or just stupid.]
(3) Rolf truly does personally advocate what he claims to, irrespective of any Jewish concerns, which says a lot about his moral compass. He does what he thinks is right, in which case, he believes that cruelty to animals in keeping with halchic minutiae is acceptable. He thinks apartheid, ethnic cleansing, genocide, and other racist practices currently or previously practiced or endorsed by Zionists are perfectly kosher. He thinks that libeling and slandering his opponents is right.