
Thursday, September 02, 2010

D.C. Cab Drivers Pass By Service Dogs

Watch the following video, and see the cabbies deliberately pass by fares accompanied by guide dogs:

The Washington Post article is HERE. Excerpt:
In study, half of D.C. cab drivers pass by blind people with guide dogs

In a study by a civil rights watchdog group, taxi drivers in the District often drove past blind people who were trying to hail a cab while accompanied by guide dogs.

The Equal Rights Center, in a report released Wednesday morning, said that it conducted 30 tests this year and that in half of them, drivers passed someone with a guide dog to pick up a person who did not have a guide dog. In three of the cases in which the taxi stopped for the blind person, the driver attempted to impose a surcharge for transporting the dog, the Equal Rights Center said....


"The law is in place," said Ashley N. White, outreach manager for the Equal Rights Center, "but no one is really enforcing it."...
No mention of "Muslim," of course.


  1. Every cabbie that drove past the visually impaired should permanently loose their livery license. If the cabbie dares to protest in the name of allah, deport him and his entire family. This is America. We have laws. American laws. If the muslim community flaunts their sharia nonsense in this country, they've signed their own deportation ticket.
    No debate. You want sharia - get the hell out of America!

  2. Just another example of the things we have to put up with for the pleasure of having millions of Muslims living in our country.

  3. that about sums it up. (from both of you)

    why should we contort our culture and western society to acommodate these backward 12th century barbarians?

    and we have!

    prosecutors unwilling to call honor killings what they are,

    judges bending over backwards for muslim men who beat thier wives to say its a cultural thing.

    muslim women wanting to take drivers license photos in a burqa!!

    cabies not wanting to pick up fares with liquor or worse people with service dogs

    and thier encroaching on our sacred spaces with thier political action center/war rooms aka mosques as close as they can build it to where thier co-religionists murdered thousands.

  4. 7 million Muslims or maybe a bit more dictating 300 million other Americans !Thanks to an Islam loving President go figure it?
