
Thursday, September 02, 2010

Why have organizations which pioneered in civil rights collapsed into hate hacks of the far left?

Herbert Hill (third from left), with fellow NA...
While the SPLC words it's careful smears of people like Pamela Geller (and here comes a carefully worded typecast-alike reverse method) Phyllis Chesler and Bat Ye'or, because some morons at Stormfront comment on their site about what they certainly regard as 'mud people', while Geller is concerned with, as the historian Efraim Karsh puts it Islamic Imperialism , we now see the denouement of the NAACP's alliances takes shape as they make league with Media Matters.

NAACP launches coalition watchdog site to 'monitor' Tea Party 'racists'

The NAACP partnered with Media Matters, Think Progress and New Left Media to launch, a website that will specifically publish and monitor "racism and other forms of extremism within the Tea Party movement."

Media Matters and Think Progress representatives said their content and reporting haven't changed and that the NAACP approached their organizations seeking only to republish select content they've produced. The NAACP's new is aimed specifically at highlighting "racism" in the Tea Party.

New Left Media, the duo of Chase Whiteside and Erick Stoll who use a "Trojan trick" to get interviews with Tea Partiers, is also a partner organization on the new site.

As for what Media Matters, New Left Media, Think Progress and the NAACP plan to do with, Think Progress editor Faiz Shakir and Media Matters Vice President for Research and Communications Ari Rabin-Havt said the NAACP contacted them about sharing content related to the Tea Party.

Shakir said the website isn't meant to attack the Tea Party, only to "hold it accountable."

"When they display intolerance and the kinds of racial signs that we've seen and the kinds of angry rhetoric, there's nobody pushing back on that rhetoric or to check the record or fact-check it," Shakir said. "I think it [the website] should be viewed in light of the NAACP being opposed to the intolerant elements of the Tea Party."

Conservative media guru Andrew Breitbart, who was once a victim of New Left Media's trickery (though he says he doesn't object to that type of journalism), said Think Progress and Media Matters shouldn't, by any means, partner with an advocacy group, especially the NAACP, in trying to the paint the Tea Party a certain color.

"It's called projection," Breitbart said. "The alliance of the left, the Think Progress, the Media Matters and the NAACP are projecting onto the Tea Party. The accusations are a projection of who the coordinated, well-funded left is. They are manufacturing the racism. They are the ones who are fomenting the violence, the ones who are the only perpetrators of violence over the last year."

Shakir thinks his organization, though, unlike the NAACP, has held itself to higher journalistic standards. He said Think Progress is a group of "advocacy journalists," but that his staff values fact-checking and reporting truth.


Ezra Klein, anyone?

BTW Fox news has accepted Media Matters ad about the Republican Governor's Assoc accepting a 1 million dollar contribution from News Corp which owns Fox, SO LONG AS THEY COME UP WITH THE MONEY (See below) which they have not yet done. Of course as Haley Barbour points out, GE which owns NBC and MSNBC also gives money to political causes.

Also, when gathering the links below, I found it interesting that Little Green Footballs is now quoting Media Matters as a source of fact. Amazing that one can start with the righteous over Vlaams Belang and then go right over the cliff, until the question becomes one of mental processes. Incredible.

I have to keep reminding myself that concern with uncontrolled debt, kafka-esque controlling govt ( will you be filing your health insurance certificate form with IRS from your insurance company which they HAVE to send you since you HAVE to buy it from those who are approved to sell you what you have to buy - along with your interest statements?), and the economic disasters, and direction of arrogant government, are racist, and reflect a growth as the SPLC puts the 'danger' of... 'patriot groups'.

The inability of former civil rights groups now transmogrified into political stalking horses generating talking points for the far left is a HALLMARK of the death of liberalism in the USA. There are no Hubert Humphries in the democratic party. There are a few Beckel's and Estrich's remaining, fewer Schoen's and Caddell's, but at the top ... Jackson, Nunn, Humphrey ... gone.

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