
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Egyptian woman tells of the humiliation of being publicly deflowered on the floor of a bus station on her wedding day

Apparently, ‘Public Deflowering’ is a common Muslim practice in Egypt where the bride and groom’s families surround the couple and watch to see if the bride is still a virgin. If she is, the marriage will take place, if she is not, she will be killed at worst, shamed for life at best.


  1. hammams - public bath houses

    women see the naked women, women choose the brides for their sons.

    islam is crap!

    fuck islam!

  2. This is just so sick I can't even think of what to say.

    So instead I'm going to just lift a comment I read at American Thinker and re-post it here verbatum. Somehow I don't think "old Bob" would mind my applying "the human microphone" in this case to boost his message by a few decibels...

    "I wonder just how many killings it will take for this country to wake up and smell the coffee. Islam is not a religion of peace; it is a religion of submission and jihad. Nothing could be clearer than that. Just because a Muslim has not yet taken up arms does not make him peaceful. If he believes in his prophet he wishes death to those who have not yet not submitted to Islam. If Muslims live more or less peacefully here in the US, it is only because they are greatly outnumbered by the American infidels. As more and more Muslims migrate to our shores, we will begin to experience what so many nations around the world have learned: Muslims do not coexist peacefully with non-believers."
