From Foreign Policy:
The sickening violence inflicted on Coptic Christian demonstrators in Cairo on Oct. 9 shocked Egyptians, and may have ended for good whatever remaining faith democracy activists had in the country’s interim military government, which appears to have orchestrated the violence. But Copts have been suffering attacks with growing regularity over the last several years, and this latest outburst only increased the fears among them that their status in Egypt, and possibly even their survival as a community, is now in jeopardy.
This is not only an Egyptian story. Just as rising intolerance drove vast numbers of Jews from North Africa and the Middle East in the 1950s and ’60s, so Christians, the one large remaining minority in the region, are now feeling the heat. In the wake of a campaign of murder and forced displacement, at least 400,000 Christians have fled Iraq since the fall of Saddam. Christians in neighboring Syria have clung to the increasingly precarious regime of Bashar al-Assad out of fear that the same fate could befall them should Syria’s Sunni majority take control. (Druze, Kurds, and other minorities seem to be making the same calculation.)
There is only one place in the middle east where Christians can live their lives in security (from civil and state pogroms, if not annihilationist wars) and pursue their own goals.
That this is the case points out a very serious flaw in Administration policy. The realization when they look in the mirror THAT THEY ARE FRICKIN’ MORONS ON THE LOOSE.
These people are minorities being wiped out of existance by a civilizational and religiously required BELT SANDER and the double standards our govts maintain OUT OF MORAL AND PHYSICAL COWARDICE are CLEAR for all to see.
I wonder what those who would deny Huntington's thesis would say in response to this.
ReplyDeleteThe sickening violence inflicted on Coptic Christian demonstrators in Cairo on Oct. 9 shocked Egyptians, and may have ended for good whatever remaining faith democracy activists had in the country’s interim military government, which appears to have orchestrated the violence. But Copts have been suffering attacks with growing regularity over the last several years, and this latest outburst only increased the fears among them that their status in Egypt, and possibly even their survival as a community, is now in jeopardy.
This is not only an Egyptian story. Just as rising intolerance drove vast numbers of Jews from North Africa and the Middle East in the 1950s and ’60s, so Christians, the one large remaining minority in the region, are now feeling the heat. In the wake of a campaign of murder and forced displacement, at least 400,000 Christians have fled Iraq since the fall of Saddam. Christians in neighboring Syria have clung to the increasingly precarious regime of Bashar al-Assad out of fear that the same fate could befall them should Syria’s Sunni majority take control. (Druze, Kurds, and other minorities seem to be making the same calculation.)
there are some morons in the counterjihad, they say islam is tolerant to christians and jews, and intolerant to them. they are spewing the islamic taqyia!
Really? Who?
ReplyDeletesome people from new age cults, the aryan «brotherhood» bullshit that includes hindus...
ReplyDeletesome are pro-russia and think europe should leave the alliance with usa...
ReplyDelete"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdullah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him...."
ReplyDeleteand the ethnic cleansing that goes on against christian:
i wasn't talking about this blog, but there's the same bullshit:
ReplyDelete«answer may lie in a subtle difference between the three major Religions that arose in the area of the fertile crescent — Judaism, Christianity and Islam — and those of the East such as Hinduism, Confucianism, Shintoism and that most humanitarian of them all, Buddhism.»
some europeans who converted to buddhism want to stop islamisation because islam has attacked buddhism in the orient.
ReplyDelete[rolling eyes]
ReplyDelete«Secondly, let’s get clear on what the New Age is really all about. Yes, it started way back then, with Blavatsky and others. But it’s a synthesis of ideas from many different religions, including eastern, western, and pagan religions. The devil is a figure invented by Christianity; in Judaism, Satan is not an evil figure, but more like Yahweh’s right hand man. Also, in Judaism, Yahweh is considered to be the sole author of everything, good and evil. Other figures that have been conflated with Satan over the years have nothing to do with that idea. The name “Lucifer” means “bringer of light” and that bible passage originally referred to a Babylonian king, not to any prince of darkness.
Thirdly, who are these people who get all paranoid about the occult and are on a crusade opposing any and all occult activities? What is that all about? Let’s call it by its true name: Religious Bigotry. More specifically: hateful bigotry against Pagan religions. The vast majority of the world’s hundreds or thousands of religions have been pantheistic, polytheistic, pagan religions. Only a small handful of religions are monotheistic: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Baha’i and Sikhism. Monotheism is the new kid on the block; our ancestors were all pagans for many thousands of years – probably a million years, since that’s about how old the human race is.
Monotheism originally arose as a hostile, arrogantand confrontational stance against polytheism. Claiming that you have “the only true god” is an attack and an insult to all the other religions, and the many True Gods that they devoutly worship. That’s why monotheistic religions have always been so violent, and responsible for religious wars, terrorism, persecution and genocide against Pagan cultures. Read the book “God Against The Gods: A History of the War Between Monotheism and Polytheism” by Jonathan Kirsch. He makes the point that the values of tolerance that so many espouse today are historically Pagan values. Most pagan cultures (even the Romans) were much more tolerant and even welcoming of religious diversity than were the monotheistic religions. Monotheistic religions brutalized, tortured, and murdered millions of innocent Pagans. The monotheists also destroyed sacred Pagan temples and shrines, burned Pagan holy books, and demonized the ancient Gods of pagan religions, declaring them to be “false idols” or “devils” – and then using that as their excuse to commit mass mayhem and genocide. Instead of wasting your time on paranoid fictions, try learning some real history.
ReplyDeleteMonotheism is NOT a “nice” religious idea. It is a hateful idea that is responsible for more religious violence in the world than any other thing. Saying there is “only one true” god is a stance of hate, intolerance and bigotry. It’s a supremacist ideology that is every bit as bad as racism. What, really, is the difference between saying that your race is the only good one, and saying that your religion is the only right one? Not much. It is hate and bigotry by any other name.
And now you are continuing the campaign of hate and bigotry against pagan religions, with your inane opposition to anything and everything that’s “occult.”
Any serious religion has always had its inner mysteries; mysticism is the sacred core of any truly transformative religious path. And mysteries are esoteric by nature; not the kind of thing that it is easy or even possible to put into words. That’s the point of symbolism, metaphor, sacred song, iconography, and ritual drama.
That’s how the mysteries have always been conveyed, because it’s not a process of intellectual understanding. Rather it’s an awakening of the heart, soul and subconscious mind. How in the world people can get all paranoid about that and find it threatening is beyond me. I would suggest that you could all benefit from a good meditation practice and learn to calm down.
As for the idea that “elites” are in control of the world behind the scenes: pure rubbish. I only *wish* that the world were being run by people who are of exceptional intelligence, wisdom, and spiritual insight. If that were the case, then the planet would not be going to hell in a handbasket the way it currently is. We are destroying this sacred planet — the only place in the universe where humanity can survive and thrive — because we have lost our reverence for Nature and the Earth.
That is why the only thing that can save humanity now is a return to Pagan spirituality, so that we once again learn to revere Nature and worship the Earth as the source and sustenace of all life. A great renaissance of Pagan religions has already been underway for a few decades now, and that is humanity’s only hope of a future on this planet. Let’s hope it’s not already too late.»
«It’s a supremacist ideology that is every bit as bad as racism. What, really, is the difference between saying that your race is the only good one, and saying that your religion is the only right one? Not much. It is hate and bigotry by any other name.»
ReplyDelete[rolling eyes]
New Age Fraud – The truth about the self help industry (revealed)
ReplyDeleteIf you search for New Age scams, it's STUNNING how few listings show up in Google.
What is the New Age, you may ask? The New Age is both a social and religious movement. It mixes groupthink with utopia. It's teachings are used quite extensively in the self help and personal development industry.
Ironically, the New Age is based on the Old Age. It's loosely based on the far-Eastern religions like Buddhism and Hinduism. And these religions have been around since the beginning of time. Some say they're the oldest religions ever, permeated with mysticism and pantheism.
It's easy to convince most to buy into the New Age promises as we live in an never-ending world of chaos, hard economic times, food shortages and crisis.
This naturally gets people looking for solutions to their problems. And since most people are lazy, the New Age is quite appetizing.
Who wouldn't want to channel themselves into a utopian world – it sounds fantastic. And for those selling us these do-it-yourself self-help powers, it's the shiny magic bullet everyone begs to obtain.
Pushers of the New Age couldn't have asked for a better product to sell – millions and millions of people clamoring for a solution and it costs hardly nothin' to deliver the solution (via a book or a CD/DVD). Selling the New Age is an amazing profit center.
Think it + repeat it = magical outcomes
No matter what you call it, the principle is always the same… the New Age offers us a mindset to convince the average person that they can produce their own magic and produce 'spiritual' miracles by simply thinking about it. All one needs to do ideally is "manifest" perfected outcomes of particular problems blocking your path and if you do it just right, solutions appear magically in front of your eyes.
Manifesting gives anyone with faith to "CYOR" (create your own reality) through visualization, positive thinking, goal setting and affirmations (a declaration of an oath – usually repeating a desired outcome over and over again).
In simple speak, if you see an outcome in your mind's eye and think about it over and over again, it's going to come true through the power of positive thinking. But…
Being negative is NOT an option and highly forbidden. Negative thinking and the New Age are like oil and water… they just don't mix.
ReplyDeleteEliminate the word "coincidence" from the dictionary
When you enter the world of self help, suspending self preservation skills and eliminating basic logic is essential.
The New Age offers us an endless parade of anecdotal "evidence" proving the validity of this mind magic. The stories of social proof are never ending and abundant… for example:
A real estate agent was going through a year-long drought. She couldn't list or sell a single house. But after arming herself with the "5 Levels of Manifesting", she affirmed in her mind the idea of closing a deal sometime this week. Three days later, an 'Agreement of Sale' floated onto her desk and a commission check was cut on the spot.
I could go on and on and on with similar stories of proof. The self-help industry mastered the art of story telling.
When it comes to the New Age, there is no such thing as coincidence. And there's no room for luck, being in the right place at the right time or having opportunity fall into your lap…
… Nope, because when you master the art of "visualization", it arms you with the tools to manufacture your own Pollyanna-esque dream world notions, a.k.a. - coincidences.
(Note to self: Can blind people use "visualization" to manifest their own destinies? Scratch that – can't anyone take a joke anymore… Surely hellbound for even thinking out loud like that.)
ReplyDeleteThe New Age surfaced here in the States over 100 years ago, but it's been heavily pushed only recently as our evolved New World Order religion.
Yes, I said religion. Because the New Age is really a twist on the Old Age… based on the oldest religion ever created: Hinduism.
It's new in the sense that just 20 years ago, there were barely a few book shelves selling any New Age offerings. Yet today, this represents a HUGE section of any bookstore.
Many are involved in the New Age, but no one pushes it harder or more convincingly than Oprah Winfrey. Just about every New Ager "guru" or "expert" is linked to this Queen of media.
A cult of personality surfaces when a nation's widely recognizable celebrity, who is considered to be a leader, uses hypnotic mass media to create a heroic public image through unquestioning flattery and praise. Oprah Winfrey conveniently fits the bill for this. Tens of millions of dreamy-eyed fans (mostly women) have been galvanized to follow her across the country, live by her words and literally worship the airwaves she's seen on. That's why Oprah has authorized a very long time ago (specifically on her September 18, 1987 broadcast about the New Age) to make this new religion a must-be-part-of their agenda.
Oprah Winfrey has done her job well. For multiple decades she's enthusiastically and consistently pushed and exponentially multiplies her New Age beliefs through countless New Age authors…
… Some of the most well-known business "gurus" that got noticed because of Oprah include:
- Deepak Choprah
- Seth Godin
- John Assaraf
- Joe Vitale
- Randy Gage
- Bob Proctor
- Earl Nightengale
- Normal Vincent Peale
- Eben Pagan
- Frank Kern
- Tony Robbins
- Jim Rohn
- Maxwell Maltz
- Echart Tolle
- Brian Tracy
- Zig Ziglar
- Napoleon Hill
ReplyDeleteThe bottom line is: Visualizing my dream car was nothing more than a sick exercise in mental masturbation…
Interesting. I tend to agree.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I do think visualization is part and parcel of all creativity. However, one may have a vision in their mind, but if they do nothing to make it happen, it will not just manifest itself.