
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

NRA's Latest Ad Featuring a Black Woman From The Projects: Leftists Want To Take Guns From The Poor and Give Them Only To The Rich

In light of this latest ad, it seems I posted my thoughts on guns just a week too early. Here's what I wrote a week back:

Guns will be with us always.

The question is, who will have guns?

Eliminate the 2nd Amendment and you do not eliminate guns. You eliminate the right of law-abiding citizens to protect their property.

Rich people will simply hire Licensed Security Teams to protect them.

The Constitution of the United States is a simple statement of the right of the Middle Class, and the Poor, to protect their property from ANYONE who would take it away;

whether that be other Middle Class and Poor people,


the very same rich, privileged politicians, celebrities and academics who want to take away guns in the first place.


  1. Perfectly analyzed and summarized.

    Former NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a man who would disarm private American citizens, arrives at the airport in South Carolina with six person armed security detail. He resides in Bermuda where guns are largely forbidden but HE has a permit.

  2. Agree with your thought. A few weeks ago I spoke with a man whose fourteen year old son attended a birthday party for a fellow student in Dallas.
    The family of the birthday boy is old Dallas wealth. Security guards met the father at the door and he had to produce identification as the designated guardian for the child. His name was checked off a list, and only then, was a staff member sent to retrieve his child from the estate.

    The poor and the middle class provide for their own security training and arrangements. It is as simple as going to Bass Pro Shop, picking out a weapon and ammo, training at an area gun range, and then practicing responsible gun safety. The Constitution was written to protect us. It was written to protect us from the wolves without, and also the wolves within our government.

    The Last English Prince
