In Their Sties With All Their Backing
They Don't Care What Goes On Around
Proving ONCE AGAIN why Conservatives have come to hate the Republican Party (and increasingly want it to die a quick, painful death) the GOP is preparing to attempt to take down it's most popular candidate:
This weekend was an inflection point in the Republican presidential race — a moment in which some significant part of the GOP establishment came out of denial and realized Donald Trump might well become their party's nominee.
"The Republican establishment, for the first time, is saying, off the record, this guy can win," noted Joe Scarborough on MSNBC Monday morning.
"I've heard that from everybody. I don't hear anybody saying he can't win the nomination anymore."
That doesn't mean Republicans have made their peace with a Trump victory. On the contrary — some are preparing to do whatever it takes to bring him down. Which could lead to an extraordinary scenario in which GOP stalwarts go to war to destroy their own party's likely nominee.
Over the weekend I talked to a leading conservative who opposes Trump. I asked what would happen if January comes and Trump is still dominating the race. Would he and other conservatives make their peace with Trump's candidacy, or would there be massive resistance?
"Massive resistance," was the answer. "He's not a conservative." Insiders have watched as Trump defied what many believed were immutable laws of the political universe. First they thought Trump wouldn't run. Then they thought voters wouldn't take a reality-TV star seriously. Then they thought gaffes would kill Trump as they had other candidates.
None of that turned out as expected. But there is one belief Trump has not yet tested, and that is the political insiders' unshakeable faith that negative ads work.
"I don't think Trump can withstand 10,000 points of smart negative in Iowa and New Hampshire," says one veteran Republican strategist who is not affiliated with any campaign.
"It would force him to spend money. That's when this starts to get real for him." ("Points" refers to gross ratings points, a way of measuring TV ad buys; 10,000 points would be a really big buy, meaning the average viewer would see an anti-Trump ad many, many times.)Trump is not a Conservative, and he would not be my first choice.
But the first choice of the GOP is Jeb Bush, and Jeb Bush is an abomination, and he most certainly is not a Conservative.
Donald Trump's hardcore stance against Illegal Immigration and Anchor Babies is by far the most truly Conservative stance any GOP leader has taken in decades, and for that alone, I would vote for Trump, if he was the nominee.
Fuck the Republican Party.
It's time for it to go the way of the Whigs.
In 2012 millions of self-righteous conservatives had a tantrum for not seeing "their" candidate become the nominee, and gave the election to Obama by staying home.
ReplyDeleteIn 2016 the GOP leadership will give the election to Hillary by selecting "their" candidate, regardless of what American conservatives are telling them. This time more millions will stay home, and this time I will not blame them. I will too. Let the world go to pieces. Reason be damned.
In the meantime, the country keeps sinking. Romney would have been a million times better president than what we have in the WH. Hillary will keep us in the path Obama set, improved by the directions given to her by the CFR and our good enemy George Soros.
Then we will all be damned.
There is one thing I do not understand (well, among many others.)
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, up until now, only FOX has been a balanced network, and I enjoy their news programs. But CANNOT understand why they keep asking for Karl Rove's opinions. The guy is responsible for many of the mistakes made by the Bush administration. He introduced Islamic money and ideology into the party.
And as he explained, "he is an operative, and is not involved in policies." Or did he say he does not care about policies? Which in my parlance equates to being a whore.
By having his piggy face on screen at prime times, FOX is validating Rove and the rest of the GOP leadership.
Not good for conservatives, great for liberals.
Anonymous #1,
ReplyDeleteI can't tell whether you're being serious or sarcastic.
Here's the thing, it is not reason be damned.
We've been through this before as a nation, and we have to go through it again.
We can not allow the Republican Party to continue on.
Romney would have been a better President.
But we have the house and the senate and still Obama gets everything he wants.
We need them gone.
How many times do the voters need to tell the GOP we don't want more illegal immigration?
How many times do we need to tell them we don't want Obamacare?
How many times do we need to tell them we don't want controls on the internet?
How many times do we need to tell them we don't want the UN interfering in law?
I could go on and on.
But I won't.
You have to admit the Republican party has been colluding with the dems on these issues.
This phenomenon is not limited to national politics. Here in upstate NY I've noticed several local election signs marked "Write in" with the candidate's name and position sought. I've never before seen that in this area. Can't help but wonder if its becoming more common around the nation as well, given the overwhelming negative voter response to party politics at the status quo described above by Pastorius. -HRW
ReplyDelete"Republican Party Preparing To Go Killer Zombie Swarm on Frontrunner Donald Trump."
ReplyDeleteTheir success in this endeavor will be their destruction. Imagine that.