From the Daily Caller:
Mohamed Elmouelhy, the head of Australia’s Halal Certification Authority, publicly commented on Facebook to state that white Australian women need Muslim men to fertilize them and “keep them surrounded by Muslim babies.”
Elmouelhy’s intolerant views led him to declare that the “white race will be extinct” in 40 years.
The certification chief, who immigrated to Australia in 1975 and became a citizen in 1981, made his comments in response to a study in Human Reproduction Update from Israeli researchers in Hebrew University, which revealed declining fertility rates among men in North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.
Based on 43,000 men, the scientists found that a high proportion of men in Western countries had sperm counts below the threshold for infertility.
“According to the Hebrew University, Australian men sperm count has declined by 52 per cent over the last 40 years so your men are a dying breed, Australian women need us to fertilise them and keep them surrounded by Muslim babies while beer swilling, cigarette smoking, drug injecting can only dream of what Muslim men are capable of,” wrote Elmouelhy in a comment on Facebook that was first reported by the Daily Mail.
“If the country is left to the bigots the white race will be extinct in another 40 years,” he continued. “Muslims have a duty to make your women happy because you are declining, better go chose a plot for yourself at your local cemetery. If you can’t afford it, commit suicide it is a cheaper alternative for bigots.”
“It will [sic] mandatory for all women to wear hijab or burka if they prefer, bikinis will be displayed in Museums but not on nubile bodies anymore,” he continued.
“When that happens everything in Australia will be Halal certified. Bigots and pigs will be declared Haram and must not be approached or touched, they can live together in reserves. There will be a Halal butcher on every corner, all other butchers will be offered to convert to Halal or given a passage back to where their ancestors came from.”GO READ THE WHOLE THING.
The core of this issue is spiritual, and it challenges secular westerners. Either there is a God, that is the God of the Bible or there isn't. And either Satan exists or he doesn't. And either there is a spiritual war being waged by proxy through human agents here on earth or there isn't.
ReplyDeleteWhat percent of readers of this article even care about God let alone understand what God wants in their lives? I would imagine only a minority. Yet, clearly we are entering a time when, as was said about Stalin, you may not be interested in Islam , but Islam is interested in you.
Islam intends to impose upon all people in the west its Three Demands: convert, submit or die.
The deity of Islam is not the God who is revealed in the Bible. This "allah" is from Satan. Even if you deny that there is a God, this demonic "allah" through Islam intents on forcing you to convert to Islam, to submit to Islam, or to die while resisting Islam. Islam intends upon visiting upon the west the utmost of horrors in order to "strike fear into the hearts of the unbeliever", in order to make you so fearful of Islam that you cannot and will not resist it. It is the sacred duty of all Muslims to make this happen.
The only way to understand this is to understand that this is in fact a spiritual proxy war through human agents. If Halal is in fact "sacrificing to idols", then it cannot matter unless there really is a God and it really matters what humanity worships. And make no mistake, even an overtly secular person has spiritual values and worships spirits, even though they appear to be Progressive values, like Gia worship of the planet's environment. People who advocate "global warming" act with religious fervor for a reason. People who seek "social justice" act with religious fervor for a reason. People who advocate abortion, infanticide and feminism act with religious fervor for a reason. People who seek "the socialist revolution" act with religious fervor for a reason.
The time to choose is coming upon us all. The Bible is clear: when people worship idols, they are really worshipping the demonic spirit that projects the ideals that people have about that idol. The Book of Daniel tells us in chapter 12 that the only nation on earth that is protected by an angel are the descendants of the nations of Israel. The rest of the nations on earth are overseen by a "prince", meaning a demonic power.
The only way out of this is for a person to come to know God. He is the only protection from demonic powers. That is why Islam is "hell bent" upon conquering the west. That is exactly why secular progressives in the west find common cause with Islam to suppress every aspect of even the legacy of the founding Judaeo-Christian culture.
Again, all this is utter foolishness if there is no God and if there is no Satan. But then what the hell are we seeing being played out before our very eyes?
-- theBuckWheat
Australia's non-muslim citizens should either shut down all sources of islamic dawa which encourage this insanity or announce that all muslim men will be castrated ...hey, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
ReplyDeleteHey the Buck Wheat,
ReplyDeleteDid you mind if I post that on our front page?
By the way, Daniel 12 begins (new international version) by saying to Israel, "the great prince who protects your people, Michael").
ReplyDeleteWhat version is it that calls him the angel Michael.
and where is the verse in 12 that says demons are watching over the other nations?
ReplyDeleteHey the Buck Wheat,
Did you mind if I post that on our front page?
I would be honored.
-- theBuckWheat
Daniel 10:13 refers to the "prince of the Kingdom of Persia" who opposed the angel who appeared to Daniel from acting for 21 days. This opposition was overcome with the help of the angel Michael.
ReplyDeleteNotice the next verse. This is a direct mention of spirit powers influencing human leaders of nations for good or for evil.
When you see otherwise rational leaders making, defending and sticking with clearly irrational policy decisions that take their societies in a totally destructive direction, and colluding with other leaders who seem "hell-bent" on doing the same thing, how else can you explain this given verses like Daniel 10:13?
How else can we explain the otherwise irrational immigration policy of people like Merkel, where a injecting a million Muslim "refugees" is not still not enough? I think that even IBA has carried this story.
Now of course, not all moonbattery is spiritual influence. To think so itself is irrational. But we do have events that have an "other-worldly" appearance. For example, how do you rationally explain the totally irrational MSM fixation on Russia, Russia, Russia, so much so that I call this the "current madness"? And when you see a long chain of totally improbable events all working towards an even greater improbable success, maybe in serious fact you are in deed seeing something "other-worldly".
We could go back in history to ask, what collective madness took over the German people when they fawned over Adolph Hitler? Or that would also cause over 95% of Austrians to vote for Hitler when they had the chance? Or that the 9/11/2001 attackers wers so wildly successful at reaching their important targets?
For me the weight of the evidence is that we are seeing spiritual warfare via human proxies. One of those proxies is Islam. Another is post-modernist Progressivism.
The Bible is clear: for the time being, Satan is the deity of this world. When people worship any other thing except the True God, they are worshipping Satan. The only people who are not subject to his influence are people for whom God offers protection. Even people who consider themselves to be nominal Christian can be influenced. Recall the sobering words of Jesus who spoke directly face to face with one of his disciples (Luke 22:31) "Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has desired you, that he may sift you as wheat. "
But it gets even more serious. Notice what he said to the Pharisees: (John 8:44):
"You are of the Devil as father, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and did not abide in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own, for he is a liar and the father of it. "
There is nothing new under the sun. The very words of Jesus tells us that some people on earth, today, as I write this, are also the willing proxy agents of the devil. They are of the Devil, who is their (spiritual) father. And they will do the things that the devil lusts to have done in the affairs of men. If you believe that Jesus was the Son of God, then you must believe his words. He didn't say a single thing that was frivolous. He didn't cause anything to be written for His future followers that was vacuous or a fairy story. He was deadly serious and we are approaching a deadly serious time in human history. It is a time to give the events in the news very close and rational examination.
Revelation 14:22 Here is the patience of the saints. Here are the ones who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.
Mat 6:13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil (the evil one): For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
Mat 13:19 When anyone hears the Word of the kingdom and does not understand it, then the wicked one comes and catches away that which was sown in his heart. This is the seed sown by the wayside.
-- theBuckWheat
I agree with much of what you write here. That is why I would like to post it on the front page.
ReplyDeleteHOWEVER, one area that you are stating differently from me is this: You say Allah is a demon. I say he is probably quite literally Satan.
I think this young man, as silly as he might seem, got it exactly right (that is, Allah went insane after Christ came to Earth and won the victory over death, and his insanity forced him to come up with a new personality, with a new name --- kind of like the character in Angel Heart --- )
ReplyDelete: You say Allah is a demon. I say he is probably quite literally Satan.
Recall that when Lucifer rebelled, about 1/3 of all the myriad of angels joined him. Those who did became demons. I cannot say to what extent "allah" is a high ranking demon or Satan himself. We are instructed to "test the spirits", that is to be careful about spiritual powers we may encounter or observe. However, the fruits of allah are clearly satanic. And clearly allah has great spiritual power of a large number of people. I would also add that it seems that the things that Islam advocates and allows seems to play very well in the personalities, cultures and personal orientations of the people who have adopted it. So, was Islam tailored to fit a people or has the nature and culture of people morphed Islam, I cannot say.
But the main point I focus on is that Christianity is a principle-oriented way of life. Those principles being the Commandments and manifested as love, joy, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith... (Galatians 5:122-23). When we interact with others of like mind we appeal to each other on these points. When we expect to be judged, as God promises for all humanity, we expect to be judged on those points. Since salvation cannot be earned, it must be a matter of grace, which is unmerited pardon. Where we fell short, we can ask for forgiveness.
Any attempt to force others to adopt Christianity is void because that denies the very basis of the Christian concept of conversion. Christians are told to spread their faith by persuasion that is based on the voluntary adoption of the ideas of the faith. In this we see the generous and priceless conditional offer of eternal life through the willing sacrifice of Jesus. This is the personality of God.
Islam is a power-oriented system of belief. Their relationships are based on power, not on principle. In Islamic cultures, whoever is the most powerful carries the authority. This is why Shia and Sunni frequently blow each other up. This is why Muslims believe that they can force someone to submit to Islam by threatening their life. This is why the very name of Islam means "submit"! This is why the world that has not yet submitted is the House of War. This is why we see honor killings. We are seeing the personality of "allah" in all these issues.
The personality of the God of the Bible is the same personality as the deity of Islam. In fact they are polar opposites. People of earth are free to accept or reject Jesus's conditional gift. Islam believes that it is the sacred duty of all Muslims to force the whole world to submit. The very name of that system tells us up front what spirit it wants to impose on us. The spirit of death and not the spirit of eternal life.
-- theBuckWheat
You and I think very similarly. I think you are a more organized writer at this point. You make your points very clearly.
Allah claims to be God and his primary point, hammered home over and over is he is "GREATER".
Than who?
Than the One he knows to be the real God.
He is insane. He can look at something and see two things at once. The Truth and the lie he tells himself. The Lie wins out.
That is the definition of insanity.
After awhile, the lie wins out so consistently he can no longer see the Truth.
I don't know that Allah is there. He has not yet done away with the comparison-oriented language of Islamic "Praise".
That, to me, means he knows still that he is not The One.
Allah has lied about the two primary sacrifice stories of the Bible. Ishmael was sacrificed, not Isaac, according to Allah.
And Yeshua could not have died on the cross, because Allah the Greater would not ever die.
So, not only is Yeshua not God, according to Allah, but his death on the cross was a deception.
By who, you ask?
Why, by Judas, naturally. Because what could be more of an abomination than to say THAT.
Allah asks his followers to sacrifice themselves, to spill their blood, to commit suicide for him.
All these reasons are why I believe that Allah is Satan himself.
50 Reasons Muhammad Was Not a Prophet (in Under Five Minutes)
ReplyDeleteVideo above along with hyperlinked report which follows:50 Reasons Muhammad Was Not a Prophet