
Sunday, July 30, 2017

Children as young as three are visiting doctors because they are confused about their gender, experts say

From Daily Mail:
GIDS said 1,986 people under 18 were referred for specialist treatment this year 
94 were referred seven years ago and seven three year olds have been referred 
Experts say this is due to a rise in acceptance and knowledge about specialist clinics
No, it's because perversion and mental illness are being mainstreamed by Gramscian Leftists intent on destroying Western Civilization.



  1. Children "confused: by their gender are being raised by abusive parents or one parent who really wanted a little girl and despises the boy that God granted. It is an extreme form of sexual abuse to take a little boy to a doctor and consider having his penis cut off.

    It is also an extreme form of child abuse to discuss with a little girl the day she will undergo a bilateral mastectomy to remove her breasts for no damn good reason.

    Where is CPS? And where are the medical boards on this to discipline pediatricians?

    Minus the word gender, any parent seeking to engage such behavior with their child would be arrested. THEY have to sign every surgical permit that comes across the desk. THEY have to sign for hormononal manipulation.

    If you just walk in and say "I want to cut my little boy's penis off" you will be locked up.

  2. TLEP,
    It is an extreme form of sexual abuse to take a little boy to a doctor and consider having his penis cut off.

    One reason this has been mainstreamed: the public education system.

  3. Interesting how both Leftists and Muslims want to mutilate people's sex organs.
