
Thursday, March 07, 2019

Why is Gantz suing Israel Hayom but not other papers who reported about the sexual harrassment allegations?

Benny Gantz could've let the whole scandal be buried and moved on, but instead, it appears he's going the bully tactic route and suing Israel Hayom in what looks more like a politically motivated act than a quest for justice:
Chairman of the Blue and White Party, Benny Gantz, said on Thursday that he is suing newspaper Israel Hayom for NIS 1 million for "a series of false reports concerning fictitious accusations made by Nava Jacobs about him on Facebook."

The letter of intent to sue, which was publicized on Thursday morning, alleged that Israel Hayom acted with "blatant journalistic negligence, without conducting minimal mandatory examinations and a lack of good faith."

According to the letter, "the false reports were made with intent and lack of good faith."

In the letter, Gantz went on to say that reports were intended to hurt him politically, since Israel Hayom "is acting in the service of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu," and in the framework of Netanyahu's election campaign.

"Israel Hayom decided to take every means to promote the political interest of Mr. Netanyahu," Gantz said in the letter.

Gantz clarified in his claim that he intends to donate any amount that will be awarded in his favor in this claim for a public purpose, such as the Association of Centers for Victims of Sexual Assault.
As if that makes him any more innocent than Bill Cosby, who donated to similar outfits before the truth came out about him 5 years ago. I'm sorry, but this is little more than vindictive litigation, and what's strange here is that he's targeting one specific paper, despite the fact they weren't even the first one to write about the allegations; it was Yediot Achronot that was, and even Haaretz did too. Don't they count? This doesn't sound even the least bit altruistic of Gantz; it just sounds like like he's being selective in whom he targets, without doing anything genuine to prove his innocence. Also, Israel Hayom spoke with his party to ask if they could comment, so I don't see what his problem is. From what he says in his "letter", it sounds more like he has a problem with any source that dares support his political rival, Netanyahu.

Until now, the press had largely dropped the subject, and now, Gantz is bringing it up again, which is surely not a good idea, because then, people will take notice and start wondering. It's clear he hates the paper because it's more outspoken than the other, left-leaning papers, and is just seeking to silence them for having the guts to tackle serious issues. His conduct is shameful, and unbecoming of a politician no matter what side of the spectrum they're on.

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