Friday, March 01, 2019

Second allegation of sexual misconduct made against Gantz

Israel Hayom received a confirmation report of another allegation made against prime ministerial candidate Benny Gantz that he'd acted sexually perverse, alluded to in one of the earlier news articles:
The new accusation comes from a man who attended the Kfar Hayarok boarding school in central Israel some 42 years ago. The man said that when his sister arrived, Gantz, who was also a student there, exposed himself before her.

The accuser said that apart from his sister, other family members witnessed what Gantz and his friends were doing.

"I remember this vividly. Gantz and his friends both took off their clothes in front of the girls and laughed while they did that," the man says. "This act of mischief truly scarred me. Gantz was a senior at the time, and he kept acting like this." The man said that it was important to reveal this despite the decades that have passed "because the public needs to know what happened."
So this man was acting perverted in his teen/young adult years? This sounds as horrific as it does. If he's elected, it'll only be disastrous for Israel's reputation to have a man who acted like a creep towards young girls in office.

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