
Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Calling All Infidels

Draw cartoons, or artistic depictions of Mohammed.

You don't need to be mean, or pornographic. Just draw him in everyday situations, like standing in line at Wal-Mart, or whatever comes to your mind.

Leave us a link here, so we can post them, or just post them on your own, if you have a blog.

Let's make this the new and omnipresent meme of the blogosphere.

UPDATE: Quite a few of you have kindly left links. However, some of the stuff which has been submitted is rather mean. I have no objection to your work. I am a believer in absolute free speech.

However, my goal here is to show how Muslims will get very angry at silly stuff. For instance, in the UK, several months back, public displays of Piglet were banned because they offended Muslims.

Therefore, think about it this way, the cuter, and sillier the drawing of Mohammed, the better.

If you are doing something more hardcore, I believe my man Dag at No Dhimmitude were be more than happy to take your submissions. Dag's blog is getting huge traffic because of his approach.


  1. Crudely drawn, but here you go:

  2. Two birds with one stone. Good job, Pim's Ghost.

  3. Thanks, I tried. Now you can see exactly how bad I am with photoshop. If anyone wants to partner on a REAL idea, I'd love the help!! And we could even go into business together. Oh, anyone who wants to clean that one up a bit, don't worry, I won't be offended at all!!

  4. OK, one more:

  5. Heh. That's funny.

    Hey, we're organizing this whole cartoon thing still. Once we have it organized, I will make an announcement, and post your stuff. Please bear with me on the delay.
