
Tuesday, January 31, 2006

List of Islamic Moderates Deploring Hamas Win:


  1. Wait a minute. There are no names. You forgot to leave the list of names.

  2. I'm waiting for them, Pastorius. So far that’s a complete list of notable moderates who’ve publicly damned the results of the election of Hamas.

    Now, I can find a list of Muslims who damned the choice of the American people and our last Presidential election. Hell, I can find a list of Americans who damn the election results here at home, starting with most of Hollywood.

    Let’s see if their "Hollywood" speaks out. Or their academics equate Mahmoun Zahir to Hitler. And mean it as a criticism!

  3. BTW Sandmonkey is a Muslim and he's bound to be against it...

    Like gold dust though...

  4. Master Jason has written a koan. Let us contemplate the enlightenment it contains.

  5. It's not often that I'm more terse than Beamish but I think my blog entry today achieves that!

    I also agree with "Anonymous Infidel." By moderate, I always mean "in name only" which means lax or lapsed ... i.e. not at all.

  6. Sandmonkey is NOT a muslim and i'm ashamed that i'm an egyptian like him! he's a racist and much worth than those he's attacking!

    have a nice day all
