
Sunday, February 12, 2006

About Muslim Outrage

While cruising the blogosphere on this snowy morning, I came across this at Bassizzzt's Hodgepodge.


"...Muslims fly commercial airliners into buildings in New York City. No Muslim outrage.

Muslim officials block the exit where school girls are trying to escape a burning building because their faces were exposed. No Muslim outrage.

Muslims cut off the heads of three teenaged girls on their way to school in Indonesia. A Christian school. No Muslim outrage.

Muslims murder teachers trying to teach Muslim children in Iraq. No Muslim outrage.

Muslims murder over 80 tourists with car bombs outside cafes and hotels in Egypt. No Muslim outrage....

Newspapers in Denmark and Norway publish cartoons depicting Mohammed. Muslims are outraged...."

Read the whole piece here. Sort of puts things in perspective, huh?


  1. Nice website! Keep up the good work!!

    Best regards

    Fröken Sverige/Miss Sweden

  2. lookit: there is NO HYPOCRISY at all these things from the Muslims.

    It is NOT hypocritical to riot over cartoons and say ZILCH over beheadings.

    That's because the beheadings and the riots are TOTALLY PRO-ISLAMOFASCISM.

    AND: There is also NO HYPOCRISY among those in the West who couldn't publish enough Abu Ghraib photos (even though they knew that it would inflame the enemy) but who will NOT publish cartoon: both serve the enemy.

    Those who riot to protect the imagelessness opf their prophet and who commit genocidal terror in the name of their religion are for all intents and purposes the same people: the enemy.

    Those who deride Bush and our armed forces over Abu Ghraib and Gitmo and the NSA flap and supposed torture and WMD, (etc), but who refuse to publish the cartoons are for all intents and pourposes the same people: those who serve the enemy (either from outright sympathy or from outright fear).

  3. Christine said, Where are the 100,000 muslims protesting the terror, inhumane treatment and oppression that is taking place in the ME?

    Not appearing.

  4. FS,
    Visit any time. Help to spread the truth.

  5. VS,
    Perceiving the contrast is the first step to recognizing the enemy. Instead, the msm are tippy-toeing around.

    Ahmadinejad has already said that the cartoons are part of a Zionist plot, and with that statement, he's trying to unify the Muslim world against their longtime enemy.

  6. Always on watch - you are right. It may sound a bit primitive and simplistic, but what we are seing is vile and evil and it must be stopped.

    The similarity to fascist methods we have seen earlier in history is frightening. It should be possible to a degree to predict the next moves of the Islamofascists.

    The disgruntled unemployed exist en masse. A movement of unification and a strong leader would not surprise me. But thank God the Islamofascists do not have the strong qualities of the Germans.

    Could this Cartoon business have been a first exercise in unification?

  7. one thingsa we must focus on - a VERY DOABLE THING - is combating the dhimmis and appeasers in our midst.

    we must ceaselessly expose/cajole/berate/ridiclue and attack them - like an "intervention".

    those like clinton and carter and schroeder and cnn and the nytimes in gereal: the left.

    they are undermining our efforts.
    they are a fifth column.

    we must defat them at the polss, in the blogosphere and in the minds of a majority of americans.

    we can do tnbhis by exposing their constant surrender to the enemy and antagonism to everything traditional in the USA - if not in the West.

    they may not bomb us or behead us, but their efforts make it more likely that we and our allies will be bombed and beheaded because when you give into/appease terror you just invite more terror.

    and you surrender the very things which make our propserity and knowlledge so great: LIBERTY.

    we are rich and strong because we are free; because wealth and vigor are by-products of liberty.

    dhimmis would have us all surrender our liberty for FALSE peace - for the peace a beaten wife gets by cowering in obediant silence to her vicious wife-beating husband.

  8. VS,
    Yes, the word evil sounds simplistic. But recognizing evil should be simple to do, don't you think?

    Could this Cartoon business have been a first exercise in unification?

    I think so. Either reaction--defending freedom of speech or dhimmitude--plays into jihadists hands. So, the only virtuous response is to stand for freedom.

  9. Reliapundit,
    I heartily agree! We must not sit back and wring our hands. We must be pro-active. So, in every way I can, I am!

    dhimmis would have us all surrender our liberty for FALSE peace...

    And not only a false peace, a very temporary peace with a very dear price. I can't be part of that.

  10. Bassizzzt,
    Glad to see you here! The msm won't do the exposure, so the rest of us will have to.

  11. von Schlichtningen: Well, when it comes to the "so called Moderate muslims" in Denmark - I rest my case....

    I have seen that guy,Naser Khader, before on TV....well, maybe he is a "moderate muslim", but he IS a muslim....and when he is pressed - he also prefers womans in hijab and so on....

  12. Hey ds, in my campaign against Swedish censorship I noticed this Swedish Girl's comment on BJ:

    It corresponds to what other Swedes have told me.

    My "Dismiss the Swedish Government" flags are now at a few sites, which is nice.
