
Sunday, February 12, 2006

Changing Views On Islam In Norway

I found this poll along with an article about changing views on Islam in Norway in the wake of the cartoon protests.

Has the uproar over the cartoons changed your opinion on Islam as a religion?

Yes, I am more sceptical today


Yes, I am less sceptical today


My opinion has not changed


Source: InFact / Verdens Gang
Methodology: Interviews with 1,006 Norwegian adults, conducted on Feb. 7, 2006. Margin of error is 3 per cent.

In addition to this, I also found a great article suggesting a similar change in opinion throughout Europe and as the reporter put it, a change in the US/Europe Bad-Cop/Good-Cop role regarding the islamic world. (Lack of certain capitalizations MY emphases in all cases :))

This article is all the more interesting as it is from the San Franciso Chronicle's "Gate" publication, which is usually a bit more dhimmified, in my opinion.


  1. One task which the public-education system has accomplished: students know how to do independent research.

    Now, if I were an ignoramus who wanted to know what the bomb in the turban and the resulting Muslim outrage were all about, I'd start doing some research on Islam. It doesn't take my ferreting out to find what the Koran says.

  2. do you agree with me that God is Holy?

    do you agree with me that messengers like Mohammed, Jesus, Moses, Abraham, Noah (peace be upon them) are sacred to Muslims?

    anything that is Holy and sacred should not be made fun of, quite simple. whether in the Holy Quran or not.

    Yes, I understand how we feel about the protests being out of hand and violent in some places.

    but who started it? Jyllands-Posten

    for goodness sake, why were they igniting anger? what good did they gain?

    let's be respectful to others, like true Christians

    and here is a quote from the Quran, which made me feel "less sceptical" about Islam

    'The angels said: “O Mary! God gives you glad tidings of a word from Him: his name will be Christ Jesus, The son of Mary, held in honour in this world and the Hereafter and in the company of those nearest to God;'

    Quran: Chapter 3 verse 45
