
Sunday, February 12, 2006

Cartoon Conspiracy?

At this point we must agree that something stinks about this cartoon issue.

First off, the cartoons were first published back in October, 2005, during Ramadan, and there were no protests!

We didn't even here about it.

Actually, JMJ posted the cartoon about Muhammad sending suicide bombers away from paradise/heaven because, 'they had run out of virgins', long before the protests.

So why now?

Some will say it some kind of conspiracy, and I'm not big on conspiracies, but they may have something here.

I have my own theory, you go ahead and shoot it down if you like, but check this out.

Who has something to gain from these 4 or 5 month old cartoons?

Well, any hardline Muslim country that is seeing it all go down the drain with the free elections in Iraq.

If you look at this 'conspiracy' what you will find is that they have put 'Free Speech' on one side, and the 'Muslim Religion', on the other.

Think about it, it would make sense that if you could be losing, you say...

If you want freedom, what you will get is nothing but blasphemy against your entire belief system!

I don't know, I'm just wondering why this was no big deal during Ramadan, and now there are Muslims world wide protesting.

Any other theories?


  1. I think your theory is correct. In fact, although Bush and Condi didn't articulate it, I think that is what they are thinking when they say the Cartoon Jihad was stirred up by Iran and Syria.

  2. "Notice, by the way, who Iran is (allegedly) trying to discredit and paint as the "bad guy"-- the country that will assume the Presidency of the UN Security Council when the IAEA is expected to bring Iran before them)."

  3. The Facts Behind the Cartoon Brouhaha Hoax Emerge!

  4. Please link to my blog:

  5. I've always thought conspiracies are for crazy people, but I think we may have one here.

    And I am looking forward to what Bush and Condi have to say over this one.

    I also have been hearing more about how "Bloggers" are far more on top of this issue than the mainstream media...

    Good for us.

  6. Poll backs cartoon publishing

  7. What about the theory that Iran and Syria are fomenting the unrest to intimidate Denmark before the Danes take over presidency of the Security Council?

    Iran, because it wants to keep its nuclear program; Syria, because it doesn't want to give up the WMDs Saddam moved there before the regime change.

  8. Something is stinking to high heaven.

    But is it really realistic that the Fanatics have this kind of co-operation and intelligence? (Even though the cartoon protests can easily back fire).

    If they do, then they are to be considered a much more dangerous enemy. This makes the study of a possible conspiracy imperative.
