
Sunday, February 12, 2006

The Facts Behind the Cartoon Brouhaha Hoax Emerge!

At first it appeared that the "Cartoon riots" were a totally spontaneous outpouring of Muslim anger over the cartoons. That images of Mohammed are, and have always been, totally banned by Islam. That publishing these would always elicit extremely angry reactions-- and violence.

Now, however, the facts have come to light. It has become clear that the entire brouhaha was planned for political ends, and that we in the west were deliberately mislead-- as, in fact, was the "Arab street".

Who was behind the conspiracy (and yes, it was an actual conspiracy!) Why did they do it-- and how did they pull it off? This article, plus the other articles that it links to, explain in detail.


  1. It seems that the link you gave is no longer working.

    Conspiracy? Maybe.

    However, the cartoons that are enraging Muslims worldwide are not new. They are in fact from Oct. 2005. They are at least 4 months old.

    And bigger yet is that they were posted in Oct. the month of Ramadan, and without riots, anger, or especially violence.

    JMJ had that posted at Fu2rman and Friends, as well as here on The IBA last Friday.

    Krishna, I have the same questions, who was responsible, and how did they pull it off?

    You are right on the money in that this is a conspiracy.

    And for what purpose does this serve?

    Who is this benefitting?


  2. Fu2rman: The link was messed up for a while-- it is now fixed-- try it again when you have a chance and let me know if its still down-- but it should be ok now.

    The article it links to has a lot of interesting information, which I have tried to "connect". The picture that emerges seems to answer those questions-- if it is accurate info (it seems to be).

    That article has several links to some really good articles-- one of which is to the article you mentioned (that was posted on your blog & IBA-- about the cartoons published earlier in that Egyptian paper that did not provoke any angry response or demonstrations).

  3. P.S: The cartoons being published in that Egyptian paper, without causing riots, is, of course, the big news. Not quite as significant, but still interesting (because it gives further weith to the story) is this-- a Roumanian paper also published the cartoons earlier-- also without much notice!

  4. Krishna,

    The link is working again.

    Isn't this all very interesting!?
