
Monday, February 06, 2006

Hey, It's Your Free Speech - Let's Get It All Out On The Table

A Danish Muslim Organization is posting cartoons which they believe will drive us Infidels into a frenzy. While I'm sure many will be offended, I doubt anyone will go on a rioting, raping, and murder spree.

Even though Dymphna is a fellow Infidel, and could well post this herself, I'm going to post it for her, just in case. Her article on the Hitler/Anne Frank cartoon is too good to let pass:

... the lovely comic depiction of Anne Frank and Hitler’s post-coital conversation that’s been making the blogorounds. This sort of satiric “art” ought to be seen far and wide, along with "Piss Christ" and the Virgin Mary in horse manure and other “avant-garde” philistinism that plagues much of government-subsidized art work.

It ought to be seen so that we have a full understanding of what it means to be tolerant. In this case, it means I am free to be offended, and Mr. Serrano is free to work out his problems in public.

Click here to read the rest.


  1. Well, I am thinking of setting fire to my barbecue tonight.


  2. I don't feel a temper tantrum coming on. The despiction disgusts me because I'm very fond of The Diary of Anne Frank. She was a young girl who believed that all people are good. She perished, but she held onto her ideals as far as we know.

    So I guess I'm offended but not rioting about it.

  3. Now an Iranian paper is running a Holocaust cartoon contest. True.

  4. I find the image offensive, but I am not really offended. I like that those idiots hate us. I wouldn't want to be liked by such despicable people.
