
Monday, February 06, 2006

Supreme Court Enters Mohammed Cartoon Contest

Yes, the Supreme Court Of The United States Of America has gotten in on the act too. Here is their submission to the Infidel Bloggers Alliance Mohammed Cartoon Contest (seen from two different views).

I don't know, their submission doesn't seem very funny to me, but it sure does say a lot, doesn't it?

I guess we can't expect the SCOTUS to be a barrel of laughs. They're judges for crying out loud.


  1. Is that the sword of the prophet? Is he intimating the enforcement of shari'a law?

    Somewhere I read or heard that the sculptor of this made a deliberate attempt for the picture not to look like MTP.

    I believe the SCOTUS frieze is one of various law-givers.

  2. Perhaps the Supreme Court will rule that their own building is unconstitutional . . Oh, wait a minute-- that doesn't make any sense!

    What is amazing to me is that in almost any report I read in the MSM, they always matter of factly state that "images of the Mohammed are forbidden in Islam"-- or words to that effect. They casually mention that, and I guess most readers just take it for granted that that's true.

    May be this picture (plus all the pictures in Zombie's archive of Mohammed pictures, etc.) will finally bring the truth to the public's awareness.

    Will people begin to wonder how come world wide riots haven't broken out over this frieze? Or, for that matter, over the religious pictures of Mohammed in some museums?

    Or, will mobs of "militants" start to attack the museums?

    And maybe (although this is perhaps excessive optimism on my part) the public will suddenly begin to realize that the MSM's news coverage really is inadequate, misleading-- and totally biased.


  3. Krishna,
    As a matter of fact, Muslims have already stopped the exhibition of art work in Europe and have destroyed or defaced works of art there.

    See the article I wrote today at my site. Much of Western art is not Islamic! Oriana Fallaci's book The Rage and the Pride also gives some details about the art jihad.

  4. Actually, Auster got those pictures from this archive of pictures of Mo through out the ages ... including Islamic pics.

  5. Jason,
    Did you notice Zombie linked to us in her archive?

    I love Zombie.

  6. are you sure the first pic isn't mo in carbonite? (like han in star wars)
