
Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The Infidel Bloggers Alliance Golden Balls Award: Italian Reform Minister Wears Mohammed Cartoon T-Shirt

Thanks to Von Schlictningen for sending this in:

ROME (Reuters) - Italy's Reform Minister Roberto Calderoli has had T-shirts made emblazoned with cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad in a move that could embarrass Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's government.

Calderoli, a member of the anti-immigrant Northern League party, told Ansa news agency on Tuesday that the West had to stand up against Islamist extremists and offered to hand out T-shirts to anyone who wanted them.

"I have had T-shirts made with the cartoons that have upset Islam and I will start wearing them today," Ansa quoted Calderoli as saying.

He said the T-shirts were not meant to be a provocation but added that he saw no point trying to appease extremists.

"We have to put an end to this story that we can talk to these people. They only want to humiliate people. Full stop. And what are we becoming? The civilization of melted butter?" Calderoli said.



  1. That's a great phrase:
    "And what are we becoming? The civilization of melted butter?"

    The Civilization of Melted Butter!

  2. It'll be Thursday soon, and we are still having our Blue Scarf meetings. This is your chance to sit at McD and meet people like yourselves, those who are willing to stand up and be counted, people who won't endlessly put up with the rubbish of dhimmitude and impending sharia.

    This week we'll sit and discuss Claude Reichman's "Blue Scarf Statement."

    Don't wait for others to organise this for you. You can go to your local Mc D. and do it for others. We do not have to go down without even a struggle.

    My group will meet at McD. at Main and Terminal st. at 7-9:00 pm in Vancouver, Canada. You can do the same thing. Others will join you if you give them a chance.

  3. Dag,
    Tonight I'm having my red scarf night. That's where I take my red scarf, and tie my wife's hands to the bedpost, and ...

    Well, you get the picture.

    None of you are invited.

  4. ''Fini e Berlusconi stanno assassinando l'economia italiana. La loro è un'azione di banditismo politico che sta procurando danni terribili a tutti, escluso naturalmente il re dei debiti della Fininvest, che in questo modo, con la nostra moneta ridotta a carta straccia per colpa sua, vede diminuire i quattromila miliardi di debiti delle sue aziende, mai così vicine come oggi al dissesto. Ecco il vero volto dei fascisti e degli uomini della P2. Vogliono portare l'Italia allo sfascio per poi presentarsi come salvatori, ma i responsabili del disastro finanziario in corso sono loro. Non pensano al bene dei cittadini, hanno in mente di distruggere la democrazia. Fermiamoli".
    (Roberto Calderoli, Ansa, 3 marzo 1995).
