
Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Sometimes You Just Gotta Love Your Enemies: Palestinian Good Cop/Bad Cop Strategy Edition

We've always known the Palestinians play Good Cop/Bad Cop. Fatah is the "peaceful" ruling party, while Al-Aqsa is the "military wing." The Palestinian Authority is the moderate party, while Hamas are the extremists.

Well, the mask is off now. Watch, as the Palestinians try to now pass off Hamas (they of the "Kill the Jews" charter) as the peace-seekers, while Fatah and Islamic Jihad are now the extremists. Watch as this becomes the new meme in the media.

But, you would have to be a fool (or an EU official) to believe it:

With Hamas now in power, the long-ruling Fatah party and its "military wing" Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades forced into the opposition, and Israel announcing it will soon withdraw from the West Bank, Palestinian terror leaders tell WorldNetDaily recent events here are leading them to launch what they call a third intifada – or violent confrontation – against Israel consisting of suicide bombings, rocket attacks against Jewish communities and "a few new surprises in our arsenal."

Some terror leaders, particularly from the Al Aqsa Brigades, whose associated Fatah party scored poorly in last month's parliamentary elections, say they are planning massive violence against Israeli civilians mostly to revolt against the new Hamas-controlled Palestinian government.

"The new intifada is only a question of time and this will be the hardest and the most dangerous one. It's just about timing until the order to blow up a new wave of attacks will be given," Abu Nasser, a senior Al Aqsa Brigades leader from the Balata refugee camp in northern Samaria told WorldNetDaily in an interview.
Israel expecting new wave of terror

In the last 10 days Israeli forces intercepted 12 potential suicide bombers and have stopped several dozen bombings the past few months, prompting fears of "a new and worrisome wave of terror," said Yuval Diskin, head of Israel's Shin Bet security services.

The Al Aqsa Brigades was formed in 2000 by then-PLO leader Yasser Arafat as a military offshoot of the Fatah party. PA President Mahmoud Abbas signed a cease fire with Prime Minister Ariel Sharon last February, to which the Brigades was party – but the terror group continued carrying out attacks.

Al Aqsa's Abu Nasser claims Israel put Hamas in power, and says his group is preparing a new terror onslaught as a result.

"For the last 10 months we respected a cease fire expecting to see changes in the lives of the Palestinian people, but we received from the Israeli side more assassinations ... and above all we received the Hamas victory, which seems to be the result of an Israeli and international conspiracy. They believe that Hamas will give up easier our lands and rights. I think that they are right, but we will not allow this to happen. We will fight and we will blow up the new intifada," Abu Nasser told WND.

Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal over the weekend said his group might sign a long-term cease fire with Israel, but told reporters he will not ask other Palestinian group to stop attacks.

Abu Nasser told WND the Brigades will not respect any cease fire agreed to by Hamas and will not halt attacks at Hamas' request.

"I am sure Hamas will start arresting us, but it will not be that easy [for them]," said Abu Nasser. "We are preparing ourselves for the worst scenario."

You see what I mean? This is the same talk that we've always heard, only now the roles are reversed.

Man, you gotta love your enemies when they tell you the truth. Thanks, idiots.


  1. You know what gets me. I remember very clearly, when I was a little kid, I would stay up late watching the nightly news (I've been an insomniac all my life), and Yasser Arafat was a reviled terrorist.

    But, then he becomes a respected leader, and someone else gets to play the terrorist.

    Now, we can see that it is going to happen again.

  2. ok this is getting daft now.

  3. As the "Fwench" say: "La plus que ca change, la plus que c'est la meme chose" (Roughly translated: "Same shit, different day").

    There are some factors that might change the way the world views things (although it probably doesn't pay to be too optimistic). Apparently some Europeans are becoming slightly less sympathetic to "Palestinian' terrorism after they, themselves, experienced suicide bombings in London, Madrid and Moscow (just an opinion-- but I believe Paris may be next).

    Also, the extreme (honest, actually) nature of the signs carried in recent anti-cartoon demonstrations in London really did upset some folks, and got them thinking.

    The other thing is this: Hamas is committed to destroying Israel-- and unlike some other terrorist groups, they admit it. Destroying a soverign state crosses the line for even many of the Euro-dhimmies. And-- there are no "nuances"-- either Hamas advocates destroying israel-- or it recognizes their right to exist-- there's really no middle position possible.

    Until they at least pretend to recognize Israel's right to exist, the EU will have a problem with them. But unlike Arafat, I believe Hamas will not be able to bring itself to publicly stating-- unconditionally-- that they believe Israel has a right to exist...
