
Saturday, February 18, 2006

Know Your Enemy, Know Yourself

As I see it in my daily life, most Westerners see Muslim countries as third world countries.

Of course, they may have tons of oil money, but that is reserved for the 'few' wealthy people in the country, right?

The rest are poverty stricken, uneducated suicide bombers.

While that may be true in many cases, one should always know their enemy.

One who knows the enemy and knows himself will not be in danger in a hundred battles.

One who does not know the enemy but knows himself will sometimes win, sometimes lose.

One who does not know the enemy and does not know himself will be in danger in every battle.

---Sun Tsu, The Art of War

How well do we know our enemy?

Muslim hackers blast Denmark in Net assault

Gangs of pro-Muslim computer hackers have unleashed a withering cyber attack on Danish and Western websites in the past week, escalating their defacement barrage to coincide with dozens of violent street-level demonstrations across the Arab world in protest at the publication of a cartoon depiction of the Prophet Mohammed.

The victims of the cyber attacks ran the gamut of large and small websites, from estate agents in Essex to a Danish online gamer community called the 47th Royal Marines. As of Tuesday morning, the latter's site was still defaced to read 'Hacked by RedHackeR" with the following statement: "IM SORRY, STOP WAR, DON'T TOUCH ALL ISLAM COUNTRY! F[***] DENMARK, F[***] YOUR GOVERMENT!!!'

That is not a third world, suicide bomber response the West is used to.

Do you think it's time to wake up?

Cross posted at Fu2rman & Friends.


  1. I think the concessions that the West have negotiated, have only made these idiots think they now have the podium, and can now take it all one
    step further with more demands, more conceived affronts to their religion, more concessions and round it goes, until we become like the
    silenced, powerless victims THEY were before they came here.
    Now it will never stop. The horse has bolted.

    I think they have now discovered that they can achieve more by burning flags, rioting in the streets, burning embassies on our doorstep,
    than they ever could by blowing up the trade centre, london subway etc.

    Granted, the ones who did that, are the extremists, but are the ones who have taken to the streets in their thousands doing this damage,
    the moderates? God help us if they are.

    Many before them have tried to censor the internet, and they all FAILED.
    They dont have a chance in hell of controlling the web.
    That is delusions of grandeur.

  2. Anonymous,

    I get into heavy-duty blue funks from time to time too (such as with this port fiasco), but don't get too discouraged.

    These (censored) are so irrational that in my opinion, the Average Man on the Street will eventually grow very weary of their behavior--I think it's already happening--even if they come from a PC position.

    Hang in there, and do whatever you can to annoy them!

    I know for an absolute fact that I've annoyed a few of them with my international nullification symbol with "sharia, dhimmitude, jihad" in it, and I hope to annoy even more of them with my modest revision of the infamous "Baby on Board" sign to read "Kafir on Board."

    Further annoyance can be achieved with the "business-card technique" described by The Truth Teller over at

    Try it! You'll like it!
