
Saturday, February 18, 2006

OIC Calls Emergency PowWow - Demands West Criminalize Mockery of Islam and Mo

Professor Ihsanoglu has obviously been browsing the web and is having a hissy fit about all those sites mocking Islam and Mohammed. So the Mohammedans are going to DEMAND that the world criminalize all mockery of Islam and their precious Mo. Listen up West! Appeasement does not work.

So, here's a few players to watch - Prof. Ihsanoglu - Internet monitor and whiner, EU Foreign Minister - Pusilanimous Dhimmi, Solana.

OIC Calls for Emergency Meeting on Cartoon Issue
P.K. Abdul Ghafour, Arab News

JEDDAH, 18 February 2006 — Professor Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, secretary-general of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, is contacting member states for an emergency meeting of their foreign ministers shortly to discuss major issues including the repercussions of the sacrilegious Danish cartoons.

Ihsanoglu has already spoken to Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal, Yemeni Foreign Minister Abubakar Al-Qurbi and Malaysian Foreign Minister Syed Hamid Albar to fix a date for the meeting, press reports said yesterday quoting diplomatic sources.

The meeting is significant in the backdrop of the continuing protests across the Islamic world over the blasphemous cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in a Danish paper and the subsequent reprint in other Western countries.

The diplomats said the meeting would play a big role in defusing the current tension between the Islamic world and the European Union.

Professor Ihsanoglu has already informed Javier Solana, EU foreign policy chief, that the 57-member OIC was seeking the EU’s cooperation to end the conflict as quickly as possible.

“The OIC member states expect from the EU to identify Islamophobia as a dangerous phenomenon and to observe and combat it like in the cases of xenophobia and anti-Semitism, by creating suitable observance mechanisms and revising its legislation, in order to prevent the recurrence of the recent unfortunate incidents,” Ihsanoglu said.

The proposed meeting will be the first after the Islamic summit in Makkah on Dec. 7-8. The summit was a big success as it approved a 10-year action plan for the overall development of OIC member countries and called for a complete facelift of the OIC to enable it to play an effective role on the world stage.

Meanwhile, the permanent representatives of the OIC member states held an extraordinary meeting at the OIC headquarters in Jeddah to examine the latest developments in the cartoon row.

“After listening to a statement by professor Ihsanoglu on the issue and the outcome of Solana’s visit to the OIC headquarters, the permanent representatives expressed their appreciation and support for the line of action undertaken by the secretary-general in managing this crisis,” an OIC statement said.

The member states approved the five points presented by Ihsanoglu to Solana as a way to defuse the crisis, and prevent the recurrence of similar crisis in the future.

The five points include the (1)adoption by the EU of necessary legislative measures through the European Parliament against Islamophobia and (2) making joint efforts by the EU and the OIC to adopt a UN resolution on the lines of existing UN Resolution 60/150 (combating defamation of religions), which should prohibit defamation of all prophets and faiths. [What are the other three? Behead the cartoonists? Stone Denmark into the ...stone age?]


  1. OK, anyone else out there know Photoshop well? I'm looking for a new partner in my designing ventures, and boy do I have ideas!! Please contact me if you fit this bill.

  2. There's one simple way to shut the Saudis up: We should tell them that if they don't stop wingeing, then we'll withdraw our support of their dynasty. Without our support, their régime will crumble. Period!

  3. "to defuse the crisis"????????????

    There are THREE ways, and three ways only to defuse the crisis.

    Heed the call.
    Pay the jizya

    Apparently Solana is playing for time while deciding between the first two.

    My disgust is unlimited

  4. Pim.... I'm your huckleberry..

    what you need?

  5. "So the Mohammedans are going to DEMAND that the world criminalize all mockery of Islam and their precious Mo."

    When I was a young doctor, I spent a fair amount of time on Emergency Room duty. One night, a schizophrenic patient was brought into the ER in a state of catatonic excitement, a life-threatening condition which is very different from its opposite, the "frozen" position assumed by catatonics that is familiar to most people.

    These patients are so intensely active that they can literally exhaust themselves to death. (BTW, we saved that patient.)

    It seems to me that in those cartoons, as well as other forms of ridicule, we have a potentially effective weapon.

    Keep on ridiculing them, and they will keep on having demonstrations and otherwise behaving badly (hey--"Muslims Behaving Badly"--seems like there's a sit-com in there somewhere!), and as ususal, they will kill a few of themselves in the process through exhaustion, heat stroke, trampling and fisticuffs, but even more important, the countries in which they are behaving badly may eventually grow weary of their temper tantrums and irrational demands--such as "criminalizing" criticism of their murderous moral code--and start responding appropriately.

    Pim's Ghost,

    I hope that my tiny little quivering gut feeling that your call for help with Photoshop falls generally into the "let's ridicule them into an early demise" sort of campaign.

    Can't wait to see!

  6. I have wondered why they hurt and kill themselves demonstrating against the West. It does seem kind of counterproductive does it not?

    It reminds my a bit of Monty Python. That was a jolly good show. Maybe the fanatics are trying to humor us to death?

    Let us give a helping hand. Cartoons everywhere!

    Further encouragement:

    The Islamic parties in Pakistan recommend a one day general strike in Pakistan next month in a protest against the Danish cartoons.

    This does impress me. We are really worried here in Europe and probably in the States too. A general strike - no less.

    Let me see, what do we import from Pakistan... Hmmh... There must be something...

    Why not make it one month or a whole year? I promise that will really, really impress us. If you Islamists do that self flagellation thing at the same time, we will weep.

  7. JMJ mentioned a 'very wise muslim'. That troubles me. By wise, are you implying that he is aware of Islam's judgment against me - I must convert or accept dhimmitude. The Quran, that perfect book, says it explicitly, death, convert or 'made to feel subjugated' and 'pay the jizyah.' Does this wise muslim agree the book is imperfect and denounce these verses. My favorite joke is, if you remove all the bad verses from the Quran, you're left with a pamphlet!

    There can't be a moderate Muslim who believes the Quran is infallible.

  8. JMJ,Mo had killed poets and even an old man who criticized him. This fantasy about Mo not harming his critics is just taqiyya. This 'wise muslim' needs to take his argument over to Ali Sina's website. Mr. Sina will obliterate his claims of Mo's tolerance.

    Second, I am not particularly religious but what is clear from my studies is that Mo just bolted on the Christian and Jewish monotheism idea to his new "Allah" monotheism. He got all the Christian and Jewish prophets and notable stories wrong, but that didn't matter. He just took bits and pieces and stuck it on Islam. Why? To appropriate the Christian and Jewish claims to their deities by claiming his God Allah was the same God as the Jews and Christians, but their prophets and scholars screwed up the message. Please. Allah is the same as the moon good of Arab paganism, again he just took Allah and made him the 'mono' deity. It made it easier to convert the pagans. Just like he took the rock worship (Kabaa) and the pagan rituals and made those part of his new mono religion. Why? It made it easier to conquer the pagans and the profiteers of pagan worship did not see their 'rock worship' revenues threatened.

    Your friend doesn't sound like a 'wise Muslim' but just a taqiyyamaster. I see them all the time, always betting that their statements and claims are not fact checked by the ignorant infidels. It doesn't work for me or anyone who has studied Islam.
