
Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against The West

Click here to view the movie.

(I think we will repost this every few days, because I think it is important that as many people see it as is possible.)


  1. Pastorius,

    You can ante-date the post. That's how I keep my Obsession post on top.

    When you edit the post, click 'Post and Comment options' on the left side in the lower border of the editing window. A small menu will open where you can change the time and date of the post to your linking. I've mine set to 8/29 to have it stay at the top for a month.

  2. That's a good idea, but this is a group blog, and I think every post deserves it's own little time in the sun.

    Instead, I'll just repost this every few days.

  3. Pastorius,
    I understand what you're saying. But people do scroll down if you post an obvious announcement.

    Just my thought...Your call.

  4. Video is no longer available at that url (Google videos)-- any idea if it is available anywhere else?

  5. When I find it, I will put it up again.
