
Wednesday, August 02, 2006

To Beat Islamofascism We Must Also Defeat The Left

From Reliapundit, the Astute Blogger:

9/11 was perpetrated by Osama's gang of jihadomaniacs, by those who openly take credit for it - and for the reasons they avow.

People who believe it was an inside job - like the Reichstag - are more frightened of the GOP than al Qaeda. Which is NUTS.

What's especially frightening to me, is two things:

(1) that these nuts are gaining control of the Democrat Party. And

(2) that there are tens of millions of them in the USA and even more of them in Europe. These are the very same folks who blame Israel for all the mayhem in the Middle East.

I think the most basic reason that so many people have a diathesis for this insane bit of paranoia is that they were brainwashed (over the last 40 years) into post-modern Leftism by the academy and the MSM. (Read Bruce Bawer's book for an excellent descritpionh of the Left's hold on both of these institutions in Europe.)

Post-modern Leftism has convinced them that the West is evil, that the West is responsible for Third World poverty, and for "Global Warming" - and that it deserves to be brought down a notch, at the very least. They believe - like the jihadomaniacs - that the West should be on the same plane as any and all other cultures, and be made subservient to the "international community" which a euphemism for giving the world a veto over American foreign policy.

These post-modern Leftists believe that the West - ruled by Bush for now - perpetrated slavery and genocide and colonialism in the past, and "so of course they would do worse things now."

The premise is false: The WORST genocide was perpetrated WITHIN the Third World, not by the West. Slavery was invented in the East and ENDED by the West. Colonialism did not bankrupt the Third World; their poverty is due to a lack of transparency, a lack of industrialism, and a lack of free markets.

The post-modern Left's attack on the West's COUNTER-ATTACK against the jihadomaniacs is making it tougher for us to rally the assets and energies necessary to win a victory. And if they were to win Congress or the White House, they would end our counter-attack, and begin a policy of appeasement and capitulation and this would lead to our defeat. Which is why I have been saying OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN: to defeat the enemy we have to defeat the Left.

Read the whole thing at The Astute Blogger.


  1. Here is a message from your friends, the Islamics.

  2. EXCELLENT post! Like I keep saying, the lemmings need to run over the cliff and clear the way for those who will fight for our world. Or as Wyatt Earp said, "This fight's commenced, get to fighting or get out". He may have said "shooting", I forget, but the essence is the same.
