
Friday, November 24, 2006

Happy Birthday To Us!

Today is our first birthday. Yes, that's right, we started this blog one year ago. It was an inauspicious beginning. Just J, Jonz, and I, and two or three readers.

Now, we have 30-something contributors from around the world, and over 35,000 visits and 50,000 page views per month.

Thanks everybody. Have a piece of cake, a glass of wine, grab a chair, and let's watch the kids run around in the backyard.

I look forward to another year of impaling Jihadi idiocy of the spikes of truth.


  1. Congrats to the ummah of free brothers..

  2. wicked, it hardly seems like a year. How time flies eh.

    Well, I think a big thanks should go out to Pastorius, Jonz and even a pat on the back for myself ;)

    Also a big thanks to all the new contributors who have joined recently and those that have been with us longer. Oh and especially our readers, who keep us all posting.

    To think, when we started this blog it seemed like a longshot, would it work, wouldn't it and guess what. It worked, boy did it work. But this is only the start. Soon, regional IBA's, one day meetups and maybe even coneferences :)

    This blog has proved the power of the new free media. Let's make sure this is just the start.


  3. J,
    Did you check out the comments section in the first post?

    It's linked in this post.

    It's a crackup.

  4. ahhh, if only we could have predicted.

    btw, i'm gonna make a bigger effort to post more here as a pressie to our, errr, e-political-baby :)

  5. Hey Truepeers, you're part of it too, so thanks to you.

  6. It's a piece of pumpkin pie with the wine, but it's the thought that counts: Happy First and may it be the first of many more! And thanks again to Atlas for sending me your way.

  7. Well, I'm very glad she sent you this way, because you are one of my favorite commenters.

  8. Yet another reason to be thankful this Thansgiving Holiday season. Happy Birthday to the IBA crew!!
    J - Best wishes for greater success and the fulfillment of the future you dream of:
    "But this is only the start. Soon, . . . one day meetups and maybe even conferences :)"

    I look forward to the future where the primary discussion is no longer focused on fighting off accusations of 'bigotry' or 'racism' or 'xenophobia' while foolishly trying to 'win hearts and minds' before actually winning this war, a war so many refuse to recognize began in the 7th century.

  9. Pastorius,
    As I've told you before, you did a great thing in helping to establish IBA.

    Happy first blogoversary to IBA!

  10. AOW,
    Thank you so much. I'm so glad that you have been there since almost the very beginning.

  11. Her Royal Whyness,

    I like you name. That's a great name.

    Anyway, I agree with you, the war started in the 7th century. There are also a few of us here who believe the war started even longer ago, in that we believe Allah is Satan.
