
Friday, November 24, 2006

Storm Track Infiltration: CyberJihad – the Spread of Virtual Mosques

From The Gathering Storm

Appearing on last week’s Laura Ingraham’s radio program, the author of “Now They Call Me Infidel” Nonie Darwish said:

The ultimate goal of radical Islam is to take over the US. Ms. Darwish, a Muslim, said that hundreds of Islamic mosques are being quickly built throughout the US, which currently have no attendees. Darwish said that the mosques are radical Wahabee in nature and “preach hate”. When she questioned why the mosques were being built “at such great speed”, Darwish advised that she was told: “We’re here to Islamize America.”

Though the non-Muslim world has not fully understood the role of mosques in the Islamist plans to dominate the world, they have, in addition, become adept at using the Internet as ‘virtual mosques’ for indoctrination, recruitment, propaganda and communications.

An exiled Islamic cleric is still preaching support for terrorism within Britain by using pseudonyms over the Internet. The radical Syrian-born preacher Omar Bakri Mohammed broadcasts online most evenings, one of which praised the four Islamist suicide bombers who killed 52 commuters on London's transport network July 7, 2005, according to the broadcaster. "How can you condemn those great men - it's not something so bad, something so good. Something so good to be involved in," Mohammed allegedly said, referring to the four men……… The Internet chatroom was infiltrated by a group called Vigil, made up of former secret service officers, hackers, and amateur detectives.
At one point, a member of Vigil, also using a pseudonym, asked Mohammed if Dublin's airport should be a target for terrorists, because American troops transit there on the way to Iraq. Mohammed replied: "Hit the target and hit it very hard, that issue should be understood. Your situation there is quite difficult therefore the answer lies in your question." When contacted by Britain's domestic Press Association, Mohammed said that he had not been made aware of the BBC's allegations, and dismissed them as "ludicrous" and "a fabrication." "I do not advocate for any people to carry out any action against anybody," he said.

NOTE: Muslim Taqiyya at work.

And now they’re use of the Internet is expanding.

Some changes are occurring in the approach used by websites supporting terrorism: they are becoming far more modern in design and they are dealing with topics studied to reach a younger and skilled public of potential sympathizers and recruits. According to the annual report by the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center released in June 2006, large amount of money have been invested into the creation of an extensive Internet infrastructure, including 20 websites in 8 different languages (Arabic, English, French, Russian, Persian, Malay, Urdu and Indonesian). As Bouchaib Slim, a researcher with the terrorism department at Singapore's Institute of Defense and Strategic Studies declared in his intervention at the Digital Terrorism conference in Singapore on Tuesday, some websites have recently started publishing comedy clips and Top10 video lists of the most devastating terror attacks, the Associated Press reported . Using this juvenile approach, even the worst action looses its connotation and it can be presented as an entertaining element, not so different from a videogame, acquiring this way an extremely high impact on Islamic teens and young guys that are more and more attracted by the values that such web sites bring about.

Now combine this with the recent revelation that Google admits that it hosts al Qaeda web sites and we can see how wide spread these virtual mosques are becoming.


  1. The goal is fine. BUT.........

    To my knowledge, only the naqshbandi believe in conversion thru the leading of exemplary lives as examples, and their leader Hisham Kabbani is not even regarded as a muslim by the salafi and khomeinist freaks.


    Because these freaks truly believe they were ordered to to FIGHT all men until they believe as Mohammed did, and forbid themselves what Mohammed forbids.

    So unless Islam succeeds by conquering all others on a river of blood, or intimidation via prior invitation (whose refusal results in war), it's just no damn good.

    No one seems able to defeat the idiots via the quran, the microphone, or any method other than force.

  2. At the time of 9/11 my utter ignorance about islam was so poor, I could not decipher the difference between the words muslim and islam. I knew it was a faith at odds with Hinduism and Zionism in that far away part of the world, but that was all I could muster.

    Since 9/11, I have been flabbergasted by the visible growth (per se) of huge VERY MODERN, obviously well funded mosques in areas where the population would betray NO NEED for such growth.

    The size of masjid centers is clearly out of proportion to the memberships I witness. Newly expanded parking facilities remain mostly empty during services - half empty during Ramadan. To encourage growth, well equipped play areas are visible behind the modern structures which continually receive not easily explained funding for esthetic enhancements.

    Local, long established non-RoP religious establishments are falling into disrepair despite large continuous , visibly active memberships.

    The contrast is troubling - to say the least.

    If the government were to really get serious about fighting this war on terror (ugh, I hate that mischaracterization of the war against western jihad expansion) the religious tax exemption would be lifted from all islamic institutions to open the books for critical funding review.

    Perhaps then, the world's "fastest growing religion" would be exposed as the fraud and seditious threat it always has been.
