
Thursday, July 12, 2007

Ehud Olmert the rocket scientist of negotiators is considering allowing the Jordanian army to enter the West Bank

Abbas expected to ask Olmert to approve entry of Palestinian Bader Division forces to preserve his control over West Bank; Palestinian leader will also request Israel’s permission to transfer dozens of armored vehicles from Egypt to Palestinian territories

'Uh, Ehud, baby, in order not to enrage the HAMAS freaks, I need to know the timing of your Apache patrols, and F-16 flights, also to placate the street, another $250 mil would be handy.'

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is considering allowing forces from the Palestinian Bader Division of the Jordanian army to enter the West Bank at President Mahmoud Abbas’ request.

The two leaders are expected to discuss the matter on Monday during their meeting in Jerusalem.

Prior to Hamas’ takeover of Gaza Abbas asked that Bader Division forces be allowed entry to the Strip, but his current request is aimed at preserving his control over the West Bank.

Ben Gurion is spinning in his grave somewhere.

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1 comment:

  1. You ever had a once real close friend waste away on drugs and booze and self-neglect/abuse and not be able to stop em ??
