
Thursday, July 12, 2007

Wall Street Journal
Runs Article
On Internet Jihad

From the WSJ:

Living as we do now afloat the incoming and outgoing tides of media, perhaps the aborted London and Glasgow car bombings of a fortnight ago are worth another thought before these attempted mass murders drift away on the sea of bad memories. What about those doctors? The apparent complicity of U.K.-resident Muslim physicians in the attempted murder of innocent British civilians had many in the West asking why. The short answer is that these trained M.D.s somehow convinced themselves that these British people didn't deserve to live--that it would be morally good to kill them. That's insane. Why would they think that?

The best answer I have seen in a long time is found in a new study of Islamic media propaganda by a research team from Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. "Iraqi Insurgent Media: The War of Images and Ideas" by Daniel Kimmage and Kathleen Ridolfo (with Radio Free Iraq correspondents, two of whom were abducted and murdered this year) is an astounding compilation of the high-tech methods being used by the insurgency in Iraq to propagate the ideology of the Islamic jihadist movement. This is the blogosphere for killers.

There is no more unchallenged verity in our times than that the World Wide Web, the Internet, is a boon to mankind. But as with nuclear or biological warfare, the Web is a dual-use technology. Technically adept Muslims, using out-of-the-box PC software and hardware, are outputting an electronic torrent of slick Web sites, discussion forums, videos, e-magazines and long-form movies, all with one purpose--to incite Muslims to join the jihad against the enemies of Islam in Baghdad, London, Glasgow or New York. Forget those Iraqi attack videos on YouTube; this is a sophisticated, globally distributed propaganda operation.

I would recommend reading the whole thing, but I do want to note that the final paragraph is particularly important:

If you are a young Muslim male, even a doctor, with a PC in Egypt, the Gulf states, Somalia, Morocco or Glasgow, as always with the Web you are marinating your mind in its content, and the content here is homicide on a mass scale. The answer--technical or political--is not obvious to me. But the one unacceptable answer is doing nothing.

Last night I interviewed the lovely Pamela on the IBA Radio Show and she made a comment to the effect that doing nothing in the face of evil is the equivalent of crime.

Let's put that into an equation:

Silence In Face Of Evil = Crime

I don't know how long it is going to take Western Civilization to wake up, but the longer it takes the more ugly the results are going to be. The things we will have to do to win this war will sicken us beyond belief.

I am confident we will win, but I am saddened by the impending disaster.

And, I believe the blood is on the hands of the appeasers even more than it is on the slaves of Allah.


  1. But dont it look more and more likely with each passin day that the appeasers are gonna be willin to "go down with the ship" and never raise a hand in anger, not even to save themselves ??

    Rachel Corrie comes to mind when I see the appeasers ..

    I can very well see a time when we may be fightin in our own streets and havin to shoot around OR THRU the appeasers to stop the enemy !!

    But I wont be sickened or saddened.. FUGGEM !!

  2. Wild Bill,
    I like the way you describe it. And yes, I think you are probably right.

  3. Kaffirs need to make better use of the internet to educate the public.

    There is an immense amount of information on Islam on the internet, but none of it is systematically ordered. An attempt to put things together was made at but this was not systematically indexed and is far from concise.

    One possibilty for educating our fellow kaffirs would be to set up an online one-stop-shop for information on Islam - an ISLAMIC INDEX consisting of an alphabetically arranged single webpage of topics, cross referenced as synonyms where necessary. Each topic could be linked to a concise second level page which gives a brief introduction to the topic and links to offsite detailed information.

    The site could be mirrored by counter-jihadist bloggers to guard against censorship or denial of service, and be kept up to date as a communal enterprise. Anyone coming to the top level home page in search of a particular topic would no doubt also find much else to interest them which they never imagined existed.

    For example - a skeleton layout of topics:

    - Mohammed's child sex slave

    - Moslem Spain - fact and fiction

    - why it won't work with Muslims

    - death penalty for leaving Islam

    Ayatollah Khomeini
    - sex with children
    - sex with animals
    - Salman Rushdie Satanic verses (cr.)

    Ayesha (cr. Aisha)

    - persecution of

    Barbary pirates
    -white slave trade

    Bin Laden
    - 911

    - persecution of
    - Buddhas of Bamiyan

    - modern Christian dhimmis
    - persecution of

    - removal of clitoris and outer vagina

    - Jihadist fanatics

    Dhimmis and Dhimmitude
    - subjugation of non-Muslims

    - as terrorists
    - why the Hippocratic oath does not apply to Kaffirs



    - genital mutilation of

    - cruelty to animals

    - of Kaffir
    - of women

    - penalty for

    Honour killings

    - Arab imperialism
    - Western imperial guilt

    - thighing of (cr. mufa khathat)

    - bloody history

    - worthlessness of non-Muslim cultures (cr Buddhas of Bamiyan)

    - persecution of

    - a fundamental obligation

    etc etc

  4. Anonymous,
    It's funny you should bring that up. I am nominally involved with a group who is currently doing exactly what you are suggesting.
