
Tuesday, August 14, 2007

In The Lunchroom

[Hat-tip to Raven, who alerted me to the following article]

A little update on Muslims in the UK...

First, it's the fear of pork fumes, now this: "Doctors Give in to Muslims." Indeed! Full article, from the Daily Express (emphases mine):

DOCTORS and health workers have been banned from eating lunch at their desks - in case it offends their Muslim colleagues.

Health chiefs believe the sight of food will upset Muslim workers when they are celebrating the religious festival Ramadan.

Read the rest at Always On Watch.

1 comment:

  1. The hospital may attempt to ban their doctors from eating at their desks . .. but that ruling doesn't impose any restriction on a whole lot of other 'patrons'/visitors/representatives of these medical establishments who remain free to celebrate with 'pork' at will. Pharmeceutical reps, janitors, religious reps, delivery/supply clerks, mail room clerks on delivery rounds, family visiting patients etc. unite!

