
Tuesday, August 14, 2007

We might irritate them !

Every once in a while we get a reminder of what a liberal really is.

One would think in their opposition to some/most/all things which SEEM republican, institutions such as Harvard, Yale, Vassar, California State University at Berkeley, Los Angeles, UCLA, San Francisco State, would represent the epitome of this word in thought and deed, certainly in their own minds.

Instead, however, they have come to represent in deed, and in thought, and in image something far different. CALUMNY. IGNOMINY. FEEBLENESS in the face of agressive action.


Enter the estimable, Phyllis Chesler, once an 'Afghan Housewife', always a 'feminazi' to some, I suppose, and now, a (proudly) semi shunned owner of REVELATIONS deemed to be problematic.From Frontpage today:

Cambridge University Press not only recalls but has promised to pulp the book that authoritatively documents one Saudi billionaire's funding of terror; many anti-jihadic writers and all our leading mainstream media have privately apologized to this same billionaire. Only Rachel Ehrenfeld has refused to "apologize" for telling the truth and has counter-sued him in an American court of law based on her First Amendment right to tell the truth. (She was initially sued in London where she lost by default; she chose not to appear in court).

At a recent conference in Los Angeles, sponsored by the American Freedom Alliance, Daniel Pipes announced his intention to start a legal defense bail fund for those who are sued by Islamists and their Western apologists for telling the truth. Not a moment too soon--although, regrettably, perhaps too late for Ehrenfeld. And, The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has begun a process of legal intimidation against my esteemed colleague, Robert Spencer. Accordingly, David Horowitz has launched a legal defense fund for Spencer. I have pledged money to this and advise us all to do the same.

Before this war is over, we will each need legal defense funds. And that's if we're lucky. Those in the Islamic East need bodyguards and air-lifts to safety in the West. But there is a pattern emerging in the West which we ignore at our own peril.

For example, a leading American publisher of law enforcement and counter-terrorism titles cancelled Dr. Nancy Kobrin's book about Islamic suicide terrorism. I wrote the Introduction for it and together Dr. Kobrin and I "went public." A number of other publishers emerged--but they quickly disappeared too.

I have been trying to find a publisher for a book titled The Islamification of America and guess what? No takers so far. I am ready to self-publish the work.

What's going on?

Well in the words of Lynne Olson's wonderful history ..when Churchill, at that time just a minister inquired about actually attacking the Germans after Poland was invaded and war had been declared, he was told 'attacking the Germans would be unprofitable'.

So it is today. Our Neville Chamberlain-ized keepers of the flame are so wedded to non-risk, and bringing these people whose PURPOSE is the denial of freedom 'around', they have missed the real risk. They serve neither the idea of free thought, freedom of speech, personal expression, truth or themselves, let alone the nation whose freedom and liberal democracy they benefit from every single day, OR it's people.

There is no escaping the dance Universities and publishers. That's all there is to GET

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