
Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Anyone else up for some fun? Jihadists Broaden Reach by Launching English-Language Forums, Blogs

I've been doing this for years. It's a double shot of espresso, and always the good fight, and they are always ready to tell you what Islam really is. No, I mean REALLY


As part of their efforts to reach and influence non-Arabic-speaking audiences, Islamists have set up English-language pages on existing Arabic-language forums, and have also launched jihadist blogs in English. [1] An examination of the content of these forum pages and blogs suggests that they are aimed at various audiences in the West, inter alia to influence Western public opinion on the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, to enlist support for jihad among Muslims living in the West, and even to encourage these Muslims to carry out martyrdom operations.

This report presents details on these websites and some examples of their content.

Some Examples of Forums and Blogs

The following are some prominent Islamist forums and blogs in English, along with their URLs and ISPs:

The Al-Hesbah forum
ISP: NOC4Hosts Inc.; Tampa, FL, USA (Data verified 11/20/07)
The Shumoukh Al-Islam forum
ISP: TELEKOM MALAYSIA BERHAD; Malaysia (Data verified 11/20/07)
The Al-Ekhlaas forum
ISP: NOC4Hosts Inc.; Tampa, FL, USA (Data verified 11/20/07)
The Jund Al-Rahman forum
ISP: Layered Technologies, Inc.; Plano, TX, USA (Data verified 11/20/07)
The Shabkat Al-Akhbar forum
ISP: TIMETELEKOM; Malaysia (Data verified 11/20/07)
At-Tibyan Publications website [2]
ISP: Layered Technologies, Inc., Plano, TX, USA (Data verified 11/29/07)
The Sawt Al-Jihad blog
ISP: New Dream Network LLC; Brea, CA, USA (Data verified 11/20/07)
The Ignored Puzzle Pieces of Knowledge blog
ISP: Internet Services, Inc, Dallas, TX, USA (Data verified 11/29/07)
The Crusader Watcher blog
ISP: Google Inc.; Mountain View, CA, USA (Data verified 11/20/07)
The Press Release blog
ISP: Google Inc.; Mountain View, CA, USA (Data verified 11/21/07)


  1. Can you post some "Best Of"s of your discussions with them?

  2. Wow, you're talking 9/13/01 ...for ... lemme think about what threads were fun, and how to do it.. ..especially since there have been threats and I am under different names.

    If the text is there maybe I will put a page up, and link to that.

  3. We were able to knock

    offline for a few days.

    he moved to

  4. here's an idea - why don't we set up our own forum in the guise of a pro-jihad outlet and let the flies come? would be a great way open some eyes

  5. gracious Prophet calls only to love and equality, but if you read about and identified it, I sure you love it, believe me great Messenger

    These are some of the talks and sayings, I hope you watch and correspondence even know more about the great religion og Prophet Mohammed

    No prayer for a Mosque's neighbor but in it

    Always in Groups, Allah is with Groups

    Allah loves good deeds especially prayer on time

    Smile in the face of your Muslim brother, its a Sadaqa

    Guide a man Lost in the darkness, its a sadaqa

    Guide to good , and Deny bad ,It's a sadaqa

    Remove thorns, stone, bone from people's path, its a sadaqa

    Always in groups, wolves eat stray sheep

    You are all caretakers and responsible for your own

    Keep Peace among you

    Read Quran, It comes as a witness for those who read it

    Visit your ILL, 70 thousands angels will pray for you

    Family Relations are tide to Allah's throne , Allah maintains a link with those who maintain it, and Allah cuts those who cut it

    Always be truthful, as It is path to beneficence which is the path to heaven

    "In the name of Allah" is doaa before eating, and "Gracious thanks to Allah" is doaa after eating
