
Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Last ruminations on the 2007 Iran NIE guess? Probably not

Stream of thoughts on the contradictory, inexplicable NIE on Iran

American intelligence is a shamble of cyclic politically driven conclusions, and is without credibility ANYWHERE,Thumbnail image for arrow_thru_head2.jpg therefore so are American pronouncement of policy based on it. Therefore this entire episode is a CALAMITY for us WORLDWIDE

Iran now has a get of jail free card of galactic proportions.

The CIA launched a preemptive attack to prevent Bush from any justification in preemption of Iran's nuclear program before he left office.

In 2003 we learned years later there was official dissent from the NIE's conclusion about Iraq and WMD. Where is that dissent today, on this NIE?

Why are people not being fired left and right for leading the national effort astray for 4+ years?

WizardWizard1.jpgWhy was the executive BLINDSIDED by this report? Who is in charge of the American government and policy?

None of the above is true and Israel has lost the epic battle within the US govt begun between George Marshall and Harry Truman. We are going 'arab'.

None of the above is true and it's about Iraq.

Bush is completely burnt out and others are running the show in the day to day grind of memo, and policy making minutiae building until he gets blindsided.

OR....none of the above is true and the CIA is as smart as a bag of hammers. They were totally wrong before (as they were in 2003 on Iraq) or they are totally wrong now. Or both.

The entire system is broken and we need something OTHER than the CIA to do the job we need done.


  1. It's amazing ... almost every day I think to myself "Things can't get any worse".. and then the next day they do!

    Ugh. It's so discouraging.. I wish i was one of the idiots in the world, oblivious to what is going on.

    This knoweldge is a burdon.

  2. Epa,

    About a week or so back, I posted a report from Debka which said Israel was participating in the Annapolis Conference as part of an agreement with the U.S. that America would attack Iran.

    Israel basically pulled out of Annapolis forcing Washington to pull its bullshit "resolution".

    Israel was right to pull out.

    However, I wonder if this is the consequence.

    If so, then Bush is not a friend of Israel and never was.

  3. It feels like we are missing some critical piece of reality to make this comprehensible.
    But I can't imagine what it is.
    Russia said to say OFFICIALLY this totally undermines our case for ANY sanctions, so we can kiss DIPLOMACY goodbye


  4. How could it not make sense? you identified the NIE's goal... the complete undermining of the anti-Iranian pressure.

    Thus Russia's reaction.

    The State Deptartment is now happy.

  5. Why would the admin present the NIE the way they did ..VANILLA, like, oh by the way here's the NIE.

    As if they would have had no clue to the result in the real world.

    I get the state dept and the cia. It's the executive I am at a loss to coherently explain.
