
Saturday, March 01, 2008

Spain: Islamic Radicals have planned to give some conferences for Imams' indoctrination

Justice and Spirituality (JyS), a radical movement which has spread throughout Spain and which wants the removal from power of the Moroccan King Mohammed VI and to substitute it by the Islamist State of Morocco, is going to celebrate next March 4th a course to train imams. And they want to do it without notice, using the Islamic Federation of the Murcia's Region, an organization they control.

So, it is scheduled that in these conferences take part several leaders of this Moroccan Islamist movement. Among others, Mohamed El Abbadi, number 2 of the Direction's Council and president of the Council of Uprightness from Justice and Spirituality. In 2006 he was detained in Morocco and condemned to a year in prison for violating the precint the authorities have instaled to his home, where he was meeting Islamist leaders of the opposition to the Moroccan King. He has several judicial processes against him in his country. El Abbadi has recommended as President of the Islamic Federation of the Murcia's region his own son-in-law, Said Mendi, an imam who lives in Cartagena, who was sent important quantities of money from the Moroccan country.
Continue reading here.

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