
Saturday, March 01, 2008

Meanwhile The Jihad Against Israel Continues - Media Spins

46 rockets have been launched into Israel since Friday night.

Imagine if armed gangs of Mexicans started shouting "Death to the Americans. Americans are the sons of apes and pigs", and then proceeded to start launching rockets and suicide bombers into San Diego.

Imagine if they did things like this for years on end, while their government continued to assert they could do nothing about it. Imagine, if then the Mexican people elected a government which stated clearly that they not only would do nothing about the rockets, but that they would lob even more rockets.

Imagine if they then proceeded to do so, while the first government continued to say they could do nothing about it.

Imagine if that government then said, "We can't do anything about it, but we abhor it, even though we are friends with them.

What would you think America ought to do in such a situation?

22 residents of Sderot and Ashkelon were transported to Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon for treatment Saturday after being injured by the rocket salvo on the two southern cities.

One Ashkelon resident was moderately injured, six were lightly injured and ten suffered from shock. Five resident of Sderot were treated for shock.

At least 46 rockets were launched at
Israel since Friday night, some landing in open areas in Sderot and the Shaar Hanegev Regional Council.

Saturday afternoon saw four Qassam rockets were fired from northern Gaza towards the western Negev; two landed in a Sderot neighborhood, causing a local gas leak. Four people suffered shock.

Two Qassam rockets were later fired at Ashkelon. Magen David Adom emergency services reported of one man suffering shrapnel injuries.

Three people were lightly injured Saturday morning by shrapnel in a Grad rocket attack on the city of Ashkelon. Three rockets were fired at the city, causing lightly injuries and property damage. Several people suffered from shock.

The last barrage was fired at around 2:30 pm, with two rockets landing in open areas in the Shaar Hanegev Regional Council. An hour and a half earlier, three rockets hit open areas in the western Negev. There were no reports of injuries or damage.

The Color Red alert system was activated in Ashkelon shortly after 5 am. Shortly afterwards, three rockets landed in the area – two within a neighborhood and a third one in an open area.

Three of the city's residents, two of them children, were injured by shrapnel. They were evacuated in light condition to Ashkelon's Barzilai Medical Center.

Valentina Spivak, the two children's grandmother, arrived at the Barzilai Medical Center. She told Ynet that her grandchildren were injured in the head.

"We slept in the same apartment, the children sleeping in my room. I live with my daughter and grandchildren, and only I heard the Color Red, but I thought it wouldn't land near our house. I don't care what happens to me, but I am worried about my grandchildren and daughter," she said.

Imagine if that was your life.

Atlas Shrugs points out that, while these atrocities are being committed against the Israelis, the media is running headlines like this:

Israeli air barrage kills children playing football

Watch this piece of blood libel from Al Jazeera and tell me if you see anything strange about the report. I'll say what I think in the comments section, if anyone wants to hear it. I want to hear what you think:

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