
Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Please Hugo, DO IT

Wash Times:

South America on brink of war

By Martin Arostegui
March 3, 2008

SANTA CRUZ, Bolivia -- South America was on the brink of war yesterday as Venezuela and Ecuador amassed troops on the Colombian border in response to the killing of a Marxist rebel leader.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez threatened to join the rebels in a war to overthrow hard-line Colombian President Alvaro Uribe, a key ally of the United States, deploying tanks, fighter jets and thousands of troops along the Colombian border.

Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa also ordered troops to the border, expelled Colombia's ambassador and recalled its ambassador to Bogota, but left its embassy open. Venezuela closed its embassy in Colombia and ordered all diplomats home.

I pray...PRAY.. that he gives us an excuse to come to Columbia's aid.

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