
Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Received from an unknown sender at the US Embassy in Moscow, "Y"

Mr. President as you know, Al Qaeda, Hizballah, Iran and others cooperate more easily than not in confronting us worldwide, and especially in the M.E. Our efforts against them have only been spottily successful in terms of cutting off the oxygen to the recruitment of more and more 'footsoldiers' willing to blow themselves up. The local governments have been more or less against this, but as you well know, the local imams, mullahs and other lay educators have been too uniform in what they see as ensuring the glory and dominance of god spreads, voluntarily or by other means.

Complicating this at the strategic and immediate level however, is the patient, cash infused, oil powered resurgence of aggressive Russian military expansion, and the cash loaded, commercially powered rapid growth of Chinese military power. Simultaneous to this our economic well being has been undercut (severely in some eyes) by our balance of trade, cheap manufacturing labor overseas, huge debt of our consumers, foreign purchases of government debt, and yielding at this turn, a too small, highly trained military dependent on fewer and fewer implements (like the F-22) as budgets tighten due to our cyclic and worse downturns, and the need for ever larger portions of our budget for the military paying for gas, just like any other US citizen.

While we can deter an actual WAR with either or both of Russia and China, AS LONG AS WE HAVE SUFFICIENT, MODERN AND RELIABLE NUCLEAR WEAPONS, our position relative to both of them will deteriorate because of our perilous economic situation. Just as our advance in computers gave us an ever growing lead in technology, so now our lack of usable cheap and RELIABLE fossil resources, and refusal to have cheap labor will synergistically work against us and for others who mean us ill.

We cannot and should not expect our citizens to become 'cheap labor' in order to bring manufacturing back to the USA, however it is within, and has been within our power to roll back the advantages other have in terms of their good fortune in being atop ancient deposits of dead plants and animals, and in terms of a surplus of very cheap labor. By reversing this situation we will infuse cash into OUR growth, our research, our engineering, our balance of payments, our educational systems, and our security.

We can reverse this all by eliminating all dependence on first, foreign fossil fuels, and then FOSSIL FUELS themselves.

I therefore advise you in the midst of this WW IV, that a compulsory, and perhaps the major element of this SECOND multi-generational struggle will be to move the USA from the largest fossil energy user in the world, to the inventor, manufacturer, and exporter of non-fossil fuel energy technologies to the rest of the world.

Only massive public investment in this effort would be worth the risk of fewer F-22's, delayed aircraft carriers, and a continuing with a small, undermanned army and marines corp. By enlisting the support of the people in this long effort a bell will ring everywhere people mean us ill.

By simply undertaking this effort in a visible and serious manner, the world will both be reassured about the USA, and put on notice, just as it was in 1948-49 when NATO was formed at the birth of the cold war, and when Harry Truman decided on a massive expansion of America's nuclear and conventional arsenal since he was convinced by events the USSR would embark upon just such an effort no matter what the USA did.

By successfully executing this plan we get a large positive balance of payments, scientific and energy advantages of immense proportions, cash to execute our plans, and economic stability for as much as a century. This will eliminate all causes for contention and price over oil from the free world, and cause the ME kingdoms to recognize their best course of action is not cartel protection, but wealth preservation, and long term quiescence, and cooperation in world of rapidly diminishing importance of, by and large, their only product, their only export and their only means of rewarding their own peoples.

Russia's wealth will be cut back or off, starving the oxygen from their military and classically Russian approach to foreign affairs (please see the analysis papers on missile defense in europe, and on energy blackmail in eastern and western europe). Chinese military expansion and large parts of their plans for Taiwan will suddenly look very different to a Chinese leadership confronted by American cash, and technology which can also rescue them from oil.

This also deals with Islamofascism. It deals with the ability of others to build and support extremist madrassahs, buy and transport men and supplies, and execute plans inimical to American citizens. From 1973 until 2001 the oil money of the Al Saud and the ME, the oil of Iran built the structure of extremist religious murder and chaos.

By executing this plan, in the same kind of time frame from its success point , or somewhat longer we can remove from ourselves and others this kind of threat.

Flush with the cash from this effort, we can then be ready for the next emerging threat, whatever that may be.

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