
Friday, December 19, 2008

CAIR Objects To Jesus Toy

Another indication that Islam is supremacist in orientation and that Moslems here in the States are getting too damned pushy.

From this posting at Yid With Lid:
The Long John Silver's in the Mall of America, had a toy in its Kids Meal that included a Bible Phrase and the not "Build with Jesus" written at the top. Last month a Muslim Family went to the restaurant and became outraged when they did not have any toys without the quote, so they complained to the Terrorist Support Group CAIR who called for a Probe of the company's toy distribution policy (Long John Silvers is owned by Yum! Brand who also owns KFC Taco Bell, Pizza Hut and A&W All-American Food).


And If they are so upset with Christian Toy, let them try going to into Saudi Arabia with a Christmas Tree and see how fast their asses get dragged into Jail.


  1. Wasn't CAIR founded by members of Hamas? Didn't their leader Ibrahim Hooper say that he wanted to see Sharia law rule the United States?

  2. Pastorius,
    Yep. Hooper wants shari'a to replace the Constitution.

  3. The same mall where they just got a pseudo-mosque approved for Muslim shoppers...also at Creeping Sharia & Yid w/ Lid
