
Friday, December 19, 2008

Who Paid For Congressman Ellison's Hajj?

According to this at Creeping Sharia:
...The trip was paid for by the Muslim Brotherhood linked Muslim American Society’s Minnesota chapter.
Of course, Ellison, through his spokesman Rick Jauert, at first claimed that he paid for the jaunt himself.

Let's remember that this is the same Hajj filled with chants of "Death to America!" As far as I've been able to find out, Ellison hasn't said one word about those chants.

No, indeed.

Instead, he keeps blathering on about what a wonderful kumbaya experience the Hajj is.

Yeah, right.

What is Congressman Ellison doing still serving in our Congress?


  1. Always On Watch,

    If only more people knew what the Muslim Brotherhood and CAIR really were, this would be a major scandal.

  2. Damien,
    People -- a lot of them, anyway -- just don't WANT to take the time to find out.

    You know, it doesn't take much research to understand the basics of what we're up against. The info is certainly available, but not in the msm right now. Immediately following 9/11, the info WAS in the msm, though.

  3. Always -

    I was so torqued off about Rep Keith Hakim Ellison's hajj trip to ask if he attended the Disavowal of Pagans Ritual, I called his office...

    Long story, short - I was told by Sarah that it was a personal trip. This was after I pressed her on getting an answer. I thought I was steamed about being blown off - now I'm REALLY steamed.

  4. So...the leftards bitch and moan about corporations paying for junckets for our dear leaders in DC but we won't be hearing them whine about this.
