
Saturday, February 28, 2009

TEA PARTIES! Updated at bottom

D.C. featuring Joe The Plumber (last minute or so) from This Ain't Hell

Chicago from unliberaled woman

St Louis by the Gateway Arch (1,500 according to Gateway Pundit)from Bulldog

from A J Strata

Michelle has more

Reynolds has more

All the above blogs have many more

Updates -- comments from Ro who attended a Tea Party in Texas:

I just got back from our tea party. It was pretty lightly attended, but there was zero publicity about it, so that doesn't surprise me. My picture was taken by several people who were not wearing press credentials. Creepy.Too bad. If we don't stand now, we are sure to fall. Maybe we'll fall anyway, but it won't be for lack of "patriotic dissent!"

I also faxed a letter to my state rep, senator, speaker of the state house and governor asking - pleading, actually, for their political and moral support in rejecting all unconstitutional "laws" passed by this Congress and signed by this President.I want a resolution / declaration -whatever - stating that no federal authority has the right to enforce any such pretend "laws" within the territorial jurisdiction of our state, and that the state will not act as the fed's agents to enforce them.

When I wrote an e-mail earlier this month to my state rep, expressing concern over our loss of liberty, I got a letter back explaining that the federal government "funds" up to like, a third of state projects.As if that buys them the power to infringe. So, my letter back was very, very clear - the federal government cannot take our money, give it back with strings, and then assert that somehow that buys them the power to infringe my rights. The rights are "inalienable" - that means they CANNOT be taken, given, bought or sold. Of course, they can be forcibly infringed, which is what is happening now.We'll see.

The latest attempt by the feds to buy international approval by selling me is apparently the UN "Rights of Children" thingy. I just called one senator and wrote another and told them that the feds could purport to enforce that against me over my cold dead body.

Since our federal government does not own me, my kid or my right with respect to how I raise my kid, it has no power to"negotiate" those rights away by international agreements.

We are dealing with a soft tyranny that is fixin' to get "hard" real quick. We are in danger, folks.

also said in another thread:

There was a very small crowd, which wasn't awful, but there were a number several people circulating in the crowd, obviously not press, taking pictures of people. Lots. They were very conspicuous and stone-faced. They had great cameras. Weird.

Then there was this other guy, walking around with a computer and a backpack, looking like he knew where he was going, but who just walked around in the crowd, looking agitated.The main speaker, while I was there, was a black preacher, who was quite good, but it seemed kinda exclusionary to me. (I am a Christian, but if I were an atheist, I still would believe human beings have inalienable rights, for instance).

He talked about abolishing the income tax - great idea, I think. But golly, there seem to be more pressing concerns today - like keeping our rights to speech, arms, raise our children as we see fit and a sharia-less existence.But that's just me. He did talk about getting more blacks and Hispanics into the conservative movement, and how to do that. I dunno - it wasn't as "happy warrior" as I would have hoped from the other protest pics that Atlas has posted, for instance. I shoulda brought a cool camera - I could have taken pics of the pic takers!

And, I know I am pretty gloomy sometimes, but the fact that the event got so much attention from the "intimidators" and none from the local media (at least for the time I was there) just seemed sinister to me.
Comments from Getting Hot and Heavy -- Something I noticed right away was how friendly everyone seemed to be. I didn't hear anyone say anything "I hate Obama" related. I heard alot of discussion about how to stop the spending spree Obama has embraced.

Personally, I think the best course of action is to keep up pressure on our local representatives. I also heard alot of talk about another demonstration with April 15 as a likely day. I think this is a great idea and I'm going to stay tuned for that one.

If you attended a Tea Party and want to talk about it leave it in the comments here I'll see how many I can put up. This is an important grass roots movement. The government works for us, not the other way around. And they seem to be having a serious memory lapse on that point.


  1. Re: the sign proclaiming "Your mortgage is not my problem".

    We are not "bailing out" citizen's mortgages....we are buying the bad loans that the Multi-National banks made. The Saudis, Chinese and other gamblers get the cash..."We the People" get screwed.

    You are still going to lose your home, live in a snow drift under a bridge...and the Banks and bankers will not lose a penny.

  2. My pictures are up along with some personal observations. feel free to use any pictures.

  3. Mary -- I went to pinch some pictures & story using my booksmark and blogger tells me your blog doesn't exist. Same thing if I try to use links to you from stories of yours I put up here.

    I know I was there yesterday.

    Is everything ok?
