
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Dutch Theater segregates gender to appease Muslims

You've come a long way baby, now go back.

Imagine going to the movies and not being able to sit next to your spouse. (emphasis not mine.)

On Friday night, a Muslim stand-up comedian was scheduled to give a show in a Rotterdam theatre with segregated seating for the men and women in his audience.

Moroccan-born writer and TV producer Salaheddine Benchikhi was to make his debut as a stand-up comedian at Theater Zuidplein in Rotterdam. At his request, the theatre said it would offer female audience members the option of sitting apart from the men, as Algemeen Dagblad reported several hours before the show on Friday.

According to the newspaper, 50 of the 590 seats had been reserved for women who object to sitting beside a man due to their Islamic faith. As an extra 'service', the orthodox ladies may sit in the first rows of the balcony.

"Whether the option will actually be utilised remains to be seen", Joyce van Dongen of Theater Zuidplein stated. "Fifty is an estimate made by Salaheddine's management. Since the show is an opening night, we have no previous shows to serve as an example". If called for, a larger number of separate seats would be arranged, according to Van Dongen.

Do you think it can't happen here? There are already footbaths being installed in airports and universities across the US, and gender segregated swimming pools. In Norway, Islamic clerics are trying to stop women police officers from arresting male criminals.


As the influence of Islam grows,the seemly innocuous demands for sharia compliant buildings and customs will be catered to by well intended Westerners in the name tolerance and multi-culturism.

Once these Islamic precedents are set in place, it will be nearly impossible to remove them without appearing to victimize Muslims.

Given that scenario, genuine tolerance will be replaced with gender segregation, the erosion of women's rights, censorship and intolerance not seen since the Dark Ages.

Islamists are not here to be liberalized.


  1. At some point before that scenario takes place, before Islam is able through stealth, accommodation, nuclear blackmail, or outright WMD attacks, to take the world back into the Dark Ages, there will have to be resistance, revolt, yes even war. The West is not ready yet. They still refuse to see where this will inexorably lead unless a sufficient number come to their senses, stand fast, and push back until the Jihadists are defanged. There is still a chance of that happening, but hope is fading that it will happen peacefully.

    If it comes to that, there will be no more concern over trivia such as gender segregated theaters. The only option will be to totally defeat the Islamists. After that it will be a damned long time before any Muslim in the West dares to humbly request so much as a footbath again. But it must get to the point where people realize that submission is not an option.



  3. Robert Spencer and several bloggers posted links to video segments of a Fox News Strategy Panel discussion, "Stealth Jihad, Terror from Within" hosted by Heather Nauert (**).

    The video quality was lacking so I decided to go back and transcribe a portion which finally answered a question I've asked several times on a variety of blogs. . .

    do footbaths and prayer rooms uniformly exist in any of the various muslim country's airports, universities and businesses? Do muslim taxi drivers refuse alcohol to be trasported in Muslim countries? Do muslim taxi drivers, physicians, students stop drop and pray on site 5x a day, whether in a car, bus, operating room, classroom or cafeteria to pray?

    See highlighted and ALL CAPS portion below for confirmation that NO SUCH ACCOMODATIONS ARE NECESSARY AND the only fools who accomodate such nonsense are dhimmis of the most ignorant degree.

    From the Center for Security Policy, February 11, 2009:

    On Monday, February 10, the Fox News Strategy Room presented an hour-long panel discussion on the 'stealth jihad' called Terror From Within. The Center's Frank Gaffney appeared alongside noted Shariah expert Robert Spencer (Stealth Jihad), Nonie Darwish (Now they Call Me Infidel; Why I Renounced Jihad for America, Israel and the War on Terror), and Tarek Fatah (Chasing A Mirage). The host was Heather Nauert.

    The panel discusses Shariah Compliant Finance, Muslim Brotherhood front-groups, Lawfare and other issues. Click the embedded videos to watch.

    Terror From Within, Part 1 (14:46)

    Terror From Within, Part 2 (11:28)

    Terror From Within, Part 3 (16:25)

    Terror From Within, Part 4 (17:08)

    This unofficial transcript is from Part 2


    Heather Nauert: Ok, Let's go back to how these groups literally intend to try to impose or try to push sharia in the United States. How are they trying to do it.

    Robert Spencer: Small example. They are doing it little by little. They are not coming out and actually full frontal and saying, we want to impose sharia and replace the Constitution . Although there are examples you can find of that. The Saudi embassy in Washington had that on their website - that it was the responsiblity of muslims to wage war against Jews and Christians ultimately to replace their laws with Islamic law. Up until November 2003, two years after 9/11. But in any case, the Islamic groups that we have been discussing, they are doing little things asserting Islamic law here and there. One notorious example was alcohol in the cabs. The Minneapolis airport, the cabbies who were almost all Muslim, suddenly refused to carry passengers who had alcohol. Now, Islamic law specifically forbids drinking of alcohol but also having anything to do with it. Transporting it and selling it as well. Now, as a matter of course,when muslims are a small minority in a land in a land that is not muslim are given allowances under the principle of darura or necessity, to obey the laws of the land and to where those laws conflict with Islamic law, they are not considered to be a grave sin. I myself have bought alcohol from muslim store owners. It is not something that has ever been enforced in the United States before.

    Heather Nauert: And now a lot of them by the way , they have reopened in Iraq now that the religious extremists have not won provincial elections.

    Robert Spencer: Oh sure. Well those are, a lot of those are Christians in Iraq. But the Muslim American Society which is the Muslim Brotherhood of the United States, they issued a fatwa, a relgious decree saying that they couldn't carry alcohol and suddenly this principle is being asserted in the Minneapolis airport that the cab drivers were saying that this is a matter of our religious freedom. But actually, it is a question of which will win, Islamic law or American law? American law, we just fought the civil rights movement to allow for, there is a great victory in American History that we have established the principal of equality of treatment of all people and no religious or racial discrimination and now the Muslim American society in this small way, and there are many other examples it - they are asserting that Islamic law allows for religious discrimination that they are going to carry it out.

    Heather Nauert: Let me play devil's advocate for a minute. If I get in a taxi cab and I'm smoking the taxi driver has the ability to say, don't smoke in my car. How is this any different?

    Robert Spencer: It's very different because smoking laws are universally enforced. And it 's as if you're not allowed to smoke because you are a woman or because you're a member of one group or another. But the idea of Islamic law being asserted , would ultimately if you carried it out to it's fullest extent, as Frank mentioned they're already discussing seeing eye dogs not being allowed . . .what next? If you have a ham sandwich you're not allowed

    Heather Nauert: Seeing eye dogs, I'm not familiar with that story

    Frank Gaffney: Dogs are considered to be unclean, so a driver would have a right to say even to a blind person, if you have a dog, you can't get in my cab. This is creating special rules. And this is really the point. It is all about separate societies. It is about creating a mechanism that is as Tariq says, segregate muslims, whether they want to be segregated or not. They are put in a position where of necessity no longer applies, they are no longer a part of home society - they are separate. And that is a classic totalitarian step towards dominating other populations.

    Robert Spencer: And instead of offering equal treatment to all citizens, which is a hallmark of American society, they are getting special treatment to people who obey Islamic law and forcing Americans to abide by Islamic law.

    Heather Nauert: OK. We have the example of taxi cabs. Are there other examples of what's going on here in the United States? Because then we can talk . . .we can talk about the Netherlands and places where there are problems with assimilation. Our viewers will be familiar with that. But what other things are taking place in the United States?

    Nonie Darwish: There are the foot level faucets that they were demanding for prayer for airports and in schools and even in businesses

    Frank Gaffney: Public institutions

    Heather Nauert: Separate gyms for men and women, I guess that would be an example.


    Tarek Fatah: NOT EVEN IN MOSQUES

    Heather Nauert: Tell us, let's make it more basic than that What exactly are these and where do you find them?

    Frank Gaffney: Give the explanation of why the feet have to be cleaned (pointing towards Nonie)

    Nonie Darwish: Well, according to, when you pray you have to wash before you pray so they are trying to bring the most radical muslim laws

    Frank Gaffney: Sharia

    Nonie Darwish: Sharia which is practiced only in Saudi Arabia. I lived in Egypt. We never had foot level faucets in businesses. I was a journalist in Egypt. We didn't have any foot level faucets. But, they want to bring it to America. Because, they want to bring to America the most radical form of Sharia.

    Tarek Fatah: I think there is another agenda here. The Islamists want a backlash against America's muslim population. They would love to see a few muslims beaten up in downtown New York, or Chicago or LA so they can then go back to their communities and their Islamists headquarters in Saudi Arabia and Iran and say, "Look, we told you, the United States of America is against Islam." They will never acknowledge the fact that the number one selling poet in the USA is medieval poet called Rummi The number one novelist for two years running is ?? Hamad Hussein from The Kite Flyer. The most popular sportsman in this country is Mohammed Ali. The President's middle name is now "Hussein". Yet, their agenda is to portray western civilization as essentially hostile to Islam, therefore justifying jihad. Therefore justifying suicide bombing.

    Heather Nauert: So you're saying they are looking for anything that they can take back to the rest of the world to try to get certain people to .

    Robert Spencer:This is why CAIR fakes hate crime scenes.

    Nonie Darwish: They have to . ..

    Frank Gaffney: They are radicalizing and dominating their population but there are two aspects of this if I may just very quickly. One is to create this notion that they're victims helps justify the argument that Islamophobia has to be criminalized. Anybody who says, even having this conversation according to sharia adherent muslims, could be considered to be blasphemy to the muslim faith. It's not of course. We're talking about an enemy threat doctrine and if don't we are going to be defeated by it. But another, and I would argue, the most sinister of all of the efforts to insinuate the stealth jihad, the sharia - piece by piece - is the trojan horse known as sharia compliant finance.



    Should Islam be reclassified from a religion to a contagious mental illness? The idea isn't new, being first put forward by Winston Churchill over a hundred years ago, when he compared Islam to the rabies (hydrophobia) virus. .

    More recently, Richard Dawkins has developed the idea of fear- and hate-driven religions as memes or mind-viruses:

    "The sufferer may find himself behaving intolerantly towards vectors of rival faiths, in extreme cases even killing them or advocating their deaths. He may be similarly violent in his disposition towards apostates (people who once held the faith but have renounced it); or towards heretics (people who espouse a different --- often, perhaps significantly, only very slightly different --- version of the faith). He may also feel hostile towards other modes of thought that are potentially inimical to his faith, such as the method of scientific reason which may function rather like a piece of anti-viral software.

    The threat to kill the distinguished novelist Salman Rushdie is only the latest in a long line of sad examples. On the very day that I wrote this, the Japanese translator of The Satanic Verses was found murdered, a week after a near-fatal attack on the Italian translator of the same book. By the way, the apparently opposite symptom of ``sympathy'' for Muslim ``hurt,'' voiced by the Archbishop of Canterbury and other Christian leaders (verging, in the case of the Vatican, on outright criminal complicity) is, of course, a manifestation of the symptom we discussed earlier: the delusion that faith, however obnoxious its results, has to be respected simply because it is faith. "

    Other sites that further develop the analysis of Islam as a meme (or memeplex - a mutually-reinforcing collection of memes) are Religions of Fear and Hate: Memes and Malevolent Mind Viruses and The Terrifying Brilliance of the Islamic Memeplex , both of which are well worth reading.

    As well as the rabies-like aggression of Muslims in destroying themselves and others, they show two other symptoms of mental illness - severe Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and a Psychopathic inability to tell right from wrong.


    " Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder most commonly characterized by intrusive, repetitive thoughts resulting in compulsive behaviors and mental acts that the person feels driven to perform, according to rules that must be applied rigidly, aimed at preventing some imagined dreaded event; however, these behaviors or mental acts are not connected to the imagined dreaded event."

    We all know about Muslims banging their heads on the floor five times a day, but even when they aren't doing that, their whole life is dominated by trivial and bizarre little rules and rituals, for example Pak and Najis things, Taharat , Wudhu-voodoo and literally hundreds more.


    To be a good Muslim is to be a robotic clone of the original founder of the the cult, whom you must emulate in every way, and in the process destroy your own individuality, judgement and conscience.

    Muslims are brainwashed from infancy into believing that Mohammed was the perfect man, 'al-insan al-kamil and uswa hasana' the model of behavior for all those wishing to be obedient to Allah. Islam is not about right and wrong thinking but correct behaviour. If one imitates the behaviours of Mohammed, then one is observant and submissive. Morality is not a part of Islam. If there is a more fundamental difference between Islam and all other creeds and religions I do not know of it. It is so alien that the reader will have to consider its implications for some time to grasp the full meaning of it.

    For the devout Muslim there is no place for conscience, compassion or empathy, only mobotic behavior patterns programmed by a long-dead psychopath. There is no morality to be had in Islam. There is consequently no Golden Rule ('Do not do to another that which would be hurtful to you') or any other higher ethical principles. There is nothing apart from a huge number of prescribed regulations which must be obsessively and compulsively observed. Hence the lack of originality and creativity in the Muslim world. The Ummah has effectively only one brain for 1.2 billion people and that brain belongs to Mohammed.

    The Muslim has no need for a conscience, because Mohammed's example determines what is right or wrong. If he wants to rape a nine year old girl or slaughter a few hundred kuffar then he will not be bothered by a guilty conscience, because the 'perfect man' has set the precedents.

    For more on the psychopathic nature of Islam read Invasion of the psychopathic Mobots..


    Islam, like rabies, is a virus with no other function than to spread itself causing immense suffering as it does so. In common with the current epidemics of HIV, TB etc in the UK, it is a product of uncontrolled third-world immigration which could easily have been prevented by suitable policies. Unfortunately it has now become endemic and is slowly infecting the whole Body Politic.
