
Saturday, April 25, 2009

These "failed states" -- which all happen to be Muslim states -- have to be propped up, and propped up, and propped up, it seems, by money from non-Mu

Fitzgerald: “Islam Is Not Monolithic” and Divisions Within the Camp of Islam

From Hugh Fitzgerald at Jihad Watch:

Another week, another Donors' Conference. This time, it's Somalia. Somalia, described -- does anyone know what this phrase that has come into fashion really means? -- as a "failed state." And these "failed states" -- which all happen to be Muslim states -- have to be propped up, and propped up, and propped up, it seems, by money from non-Muslim states, non-Muslim taxpayers. Because, you see, it is the absence of money that causes these states to be "failed states." And any Muslim state will become a "failed state," apparently, if it lacks the unmerited manna of oil-and-gas revenues (the Muslim members of OPEC have received more than twelve trillion dollars since 1973 alone), or if it is not given all kinds of special benefits and enormous injections of Infidel aid.

Regarding that aid, see Pakistan, see Egypt, see Jordan, and, of course, see the Favorite Charity of Everyone, apparently, the local Arab shock troops of the Lesser Jihad against Israel, the soi-disant "Palestinians" -- who, as a separate people, were founded round about late 1967, a few months after the Six-Day War ended, and it was time to take a different propagandistic tack.

So today has been the turn of Somalia. Only a hundred and sixty million for the Somalis. They are not, you see, Pakistanis or “Palestinians.” A few weeks ago, it was $15 billion for Pakistan. And before that, it was the “Palestinians” who were to receive more, on top of the billions they have already received. Per capita, they are the World’s Favorite People, and receive almost as much as all the others declared in need combined -- yet most of them, unlike the “Palestinians,” legitimate refugees, and not part of a deliberately-fabricated-people kept in place by Arab and Muslim states for political reasons. Who will pay? It will be, as always, the Americans, and the British, and the French, and the rest of the E.U.

It’s true, the Saudis will promise something, but how often have the Saudis and other Gulf Arabs promised to contribute something, and then they almost never do? 

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