
Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Our Sympathy to Gateway Pundit on the loss of his mother.

"My dear friend and mother passed away this evening at 10:16 PM.She suffered a devastating heart attack 17 days ago. We put her on hospice late last week. She died at home in my arms. She was with her family."

"She died at home in my arms"

Been there. You have my deepest understanding and sympathy.


  1. Gateway Pundit is a good man, an oustanding patriot.

    I am deeply sorry for his loss and I conveyed it to him, over at this site...

  2. Those of us who have not yet been there at least once, will be. He and his family have my greatest sympathy.

  3. Thanks for posting this, MR. I meant to this morning, but I simply did not have the time.
