
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Vatican Exposes Double Standard

The Pope has condemned a "disgusting" taxpayer-funded exhibition in which visitors are urged to deface the Bible.

Visitors were offered pens by gallery bosses so they could scrawl comments on the text - leading to a host of puerile and obscene remarks.

Pope Benedict XVI believes the stunt would not have been contemplated with a copy of the Koran.

His anger over the show, organised by council-funded arts body Culture and Sport Glasgow, was expressed by a senior Vatican priest.

The adviser to the Pope said: "It is disgusting and offensive. They would not think of doing it to the Koran."

Public complaints about the exhibit at the prestigious Gallery of Modern Art in Glasgow have forced organisers to put the vandalised Bible on show in a locked case, while still allowing visitors to write comments on blank sheets of paper.

The Made In God's Image exhibit is the work of Glasgow artist Anthony Schrag.
He wanted gays and transsexuals who felt left out of religion to 'write their way back in' to the holy text.

Mr Schrag worked with members of the Metropolitan Community Church (MCC) in Edinburgh on the project.

But MCC minister Jane Clarke said: "I had hoped people would show respect for the Bible. I am saddened some have chosen to write offensive messages."
Hat Tip: Vlad Tepes


  1. He (Anthony Schrag) wanted gays and transsexuals who felt left out of religion to 'write their way back in' to the holy text.

    Well, at least Catholicism does not endorse hanging Gays, Lesbians, and Transexuals from the gallows as "some religions" would clearly condone.

  2. Total,

    Part of the reason for the double standard is fear. A lot of People, even extremely politically correct people, know that very few Catholics, or even very few Christians in general, endorse killing people who blaspheme or are critical of their religion. Truth be told, even with all our multiculturalism and cultural relativism and all that, we would probably see more open criticism of Islam, if people weren't so afraid of being murdered for doing so.

  3. that is the crux of the big lie.

    libs will shout all day that you are a cultural or religious bigot if you criticize islam, and if you say its a violent religion they will tell you no more so than Christianity.

    but they would never do this to a koran not out of respect like they would have someone beleive but fear of death.

  4. Damien,

    That is one of the reasons why I think that Geert Wilders is a special person. He does not succumb to the threats of violence or death, even though he knows such threats are completely legitimate.

  5. Just waitin' for it, Carlos, just waitin' for it.

    (Something stinks in D.C., no? :)

  6. Total,

    You wrote,

    That is one of the reasons why I think that Geert Wilders is a special person. He does not succumb to the threats of violence or death, even though he knows such threats are completely legitimate.

    That is why I respect and admire just about everyone in the anti Jihad movement who puts their face on television.

    I also admire Bosch Fawstin, because he has the courage to write his "Infidel" graphic novel that is critical of Islam. It he and his work gets famous enough, he could receive death threats and Islamic clerics from around the world could put a bounty on his head. Yet he continues knowing full well, where it might lead. Hopefully no Jihadist will be able to find him. I'd hate to see him becoming a martyr for our cause.

  7. Something is definitely rotten in the state of the District of Columbia to paraphrase Shakespeare...

    That is why I love the attitude of Gov Perry regarding providing a business friendly state and his defiance of DC, it is just another reason why I want to move to the Lone Star State!

  8. Geert Wilders is a great man.

    Bosch Fawstin, in a way, is an even more amazing man.

    Why do I say that?

    Because, at least for Wilders, there is some reward. He is gaining power from his opposition to Islam. (I know, however, that the power is certainly not very fulfilling, considering he basically has to live in a prison of security).

    But, Bosch Fawstin, as a writer of Graphic Novels, works in the Entertainment business. By coming out against Islam, as he does, he is ensuring that he will never get the wide appreciation his work deserves, unless a very large Jihad attack occurs which changes everyones mind.

    Bosch is a very talented man. And, he probably has to work at Pizza Hut, or something like that, as a delivery driver, because of his outspokeness.

    I know, for sure, that I would be marginalized in my field, if my identity would come out. (Not that I'm anyone well-known).

    It must be a living hell for an ambitious, intelligent, and talented man like Bosch to have to put up with the marginalization.

    But, courage like his tends to be rewarded by history, even if only posthumously.

  9. Reminds me of the "art" exhibit in which a crucifix was placed in a jar of the "artist's" urine. Despicable.

  10. Obama Nation,

    Just imagine what might have happened if that "artist" had decided to do the same to the Koran.

  11. Very good points, Damien and Pasto. I've always admired Bosch's work but I never considered the consequences to his personal life (i.e. chances of employment advancement and job opportunities). We can make similar arguments for Robert Spencer, who is somewhat viewed as an outcast in academia. Not to mention, Robert Spencer is the only anti-Jihadist I know of that has been called out by name as an apostate by an internationally prominent and well-known terrorist, Adam Gadahn (Azzam al-Ameriki).

  12. Yes, I admire Robert Spencer very much. He is a brave man.

    One time I interviewed Robert Spencer about what he did before the Jihad. He is a Jazz Musician and a writer/critic of Jazz Music.

    It was an interesting interview, because we get to see a bit of what Spencer would be like, if he were not compelled to fight the evil of Islam.

    9/11 changed many of our lives, and set us on a road which is not exactly fun. I'm pretty sure Bosch Fawstin, Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller, Always on Watch, WC, and all the others would rather be doing something quite different with their lives than what they are doing.

    Same goes for Geert Wilders and Ayaan Hirsi Ali. No one would want to be in their shoes.

    Oh yeah, and a shout out to Michael Travis on this count, cuz I know him personally, and believe me, the dude is all in. He's got all his chips on the table. He's betting the whole thing on this fight.

    For anyone who is not involved, I'm sure it's hard to understand the level of commitment it takes from the aforementioned people.

  13. By the way, note that I have had my disagreements with Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller, Michael Travis, and everyone I have named on the list of people I admire.

    The point is not that I agree with them on everything, but that I admire them because they keep fighting, and I know that, in general, they are on the right side.

    God's side.


  14. The point is not that I agree with them on everything, but that I admire them because they keep fighting, and I know that, in general, they are on the right side.

    God's side.

    Well said. By the way, I like what this pope has to say every once in a while! You know people think it but very few public figures come out and say stuff like, "they did this to the Bible but they would never do it with a Quran (Koran)".

  15. "set us on a road which is not exactly fun" he says

    "be doing something quite different with their lives" he says

    Spencer,Geller, AoW, WC, Carlos, Pastorius, Epaminondas, Geert, Ayan Hirsi Ali, Bosch, JauJau, Editrix, Shiva, Babbazee, Avenging Apostate, Revere Rides Again, Christine, Grant Jones ET.AL.

    The Counter Jihad -- Last Refuge of Scoundrels :)

  16. No one here but us deceptive cheats.


    Speaking of which, I saw Charles Johnson did a post the other day in which he spoke sarcastically about "anti-Jihadists". (the quotation marks were his).

    Considering the fact that his life has been threatened for reporting on the reality of Islam, I wonder if he does not consider himself to be an anti-Jihadist.

    I consider him to be one, even if he no longer wishes to be identified thusly.

    Certainly, there is nothing wrong with being against Jihad.

    Charles problem seems to be that he conflates the anti-Jihad movement with the "neo-Nazis" he is so concerned about.

    I am with him on the abhorrence for the Vlaams Belang. However, the Vlaams Belang being what it is, there is still a very real threat out there called Jihad. And, Jihad is for the purpose of the installation of Sharia law.

    Charles Johson would be dead in a Sharia state, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. If he doesn't want to believe that, he might want to consult with his closest friend on the subject.

    I think it is wrong that he would be dead under Sharia law. I stand against that, and I believe he does too.

    Who does he think would support him if it were not people who are opposed to Jihad and Sharia?

    Very odd.
