
Monday, August 03, 2009

Iranian civilian plane that crashed was carrying arms to Hizballah


Iranian civilian plane that crashed was carrying arms to Hizballah

"According to the sources, the plane was meant to transfer the fuses from Iran to Armenia, and from there to Syria through Turkey, and then on the ground to Lebanon. This route was chosen, according to exiled opposition sources, so as not to draw attention." Whoops.

"Report: Iran plane was carrying arms for Hezbollah," by Nir Magal for Ynet News, August 2 (thanks to Andy Hardy):

An Iranian plane crash two weeks ago – which left 168 people dead – was
caused by the explosion of sophisticated fuses slated to be delivered to
Hezbollah, Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera reported Saturday, quoting
sources in the Middle East....

According to the sources, the aircraft was carrying a large number of
modern fuses composed of 2 kilograms (4.4 pounds) of explosives and electrical

The report is in line with testimonies on explosion sounds heard before the
crash. According to the sources, the plane was meant to transfer the fuses from
Iran to Armenia, and from there to Syria through Turkey, and then on the ground
to Lebanon. This route was chosen, according to
exiled opposition sources, so as not to draw attention....

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