
Sunday, August 02, 2009

An Islam Teaching Moment ...or Two ...or Three

There was a time when Hollywood knew of and portrayed the blood-thirstiness of Islam.

It knew about the black man in Africa and who really saw them as slaves. See 2:44 minutes in.

Then who really ran the slave trade. See 3:48.

Then the blood lust of Islam is displayed at 7:58.

This 10 minute clip wraps up in one package, over 30 years ago, what Islam is and what we face today as infidels.

See also Siege of Khartoum for more info.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder how many more films which capture these refreshingly clear examples of western clarity remain collecting dust in some forgotten archive? It is most reassuring to find these films surfacing on the web as film captivates the shortest attention spans. Thank you for posting!

    This segment of "Khartoum (1966)" provides a most welcome laundry list of Islam's 'object lessons' in a brief span and in technicolor!
    It illustrates the madness behind the destruction Islam inflicts on every culture/land within it's reach. Just as a recent IBA thread demonstrated the 'dhimmi' status in Elia Kazan's "America America".

    Also demonstrated in this film segment is Tu qoque - a clever tactic frequently used to unsettle gullible infidels.

    at 8:46the 'mahdi' states:

    "You have described to me how it was an 'object lesson' when you slaughtered the sons of the slavers and brought peace to the Sudan. You have no regret. What is the difference Khartoum Pasha? An infidel 'object lesson' or 'holy miracle'? If Khartoum is sacrificed then all Islam will tremble and bow . . .and in peace, I shall proceed to all the mosques where I must pray and the lives of millions will be spared. Whisper to me Khartoum Pasha. Is there a difference?"

    Re: Tu Quoque

    Robert Spencer: "Islam's classic use of a logical fallacy known as tu quoque -- an attempt to mitigate one's responsibility for a wrongdoing by pointing out that others also, perhaps even the accuser, do the same thing. It is a fallacy because it doesn't matter how many men commit". . . [insert any heinous act done in the name of Islam - example of Muhammad here]". . ., it is wrong in every case."

    or as Hugh Fitzgerald points out in Islam for the Perplexed:

    "A complete red herring. Then there is still another brand of apologetics. This is not to deny that Moslems may be guilty of some crimes, or even that Islam itself may not have some doctrines that are dangerous. But instead, the argument is invoked that everyone does it, the Roman Tu Quoque (YOU TOO DO IT)"

