
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Our President Is Making It Clear He Supports The Jihad - He Is Now Donating Money To Ghadafi Charities

From the Lonely Conservative:

WASHINGTON (CBS)The Obama Administration plans to give $400,000 in funding to a Libyan charity run by the Gadhafi family, and U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) wants the grant withdrawn.

The money would be divided between two foundations run by the family of Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi. A $200,000 share is set to go to the Gadhafi Development Foundation, which is run by Gadhafi’s son, Saif, and another $200,000 are to go to Wa Attassimou, an organization run by Muammar Gadhafi’s daughter, Aisha.

Kirk says the grants should be withdrawn in light of the recent return to Libya of Pan Am Flight 103 bomber Abdel Baset Megrahi. The terminally ill prisoner was released from in Scotland on compassionate grounds, and got a hero’s welcome from Muammar Gadhafi and other Libyans upon his return.

“Just weeks after the Gadhafi family celebrated the return of a terrorist responsible for the murders of 189 Americans, the U.S. taxpayer should not be asked to reward them with $400,000,” Kirk wrote to the president. “For the sake of the victims’ families who have endured so much pain these last few weeks, I ask you to withdraw your Administration’s request.”

It's very hard to fathom the idea that our President either supports the Jihad outright, or couldn't give a flying fuck that it is directed at us. But, it is becoming increasingly clear that this Administration has very, very different ideas.


  1. OT

    Pasto, your name came up in the comments section here. What do you know about CJ's favourite attack-princess, the Albanian KLA apparat-chick and "concern troll" Kejda Gjermani aka Medaura?

  2. Jeppo, I just commented over there.

    Thanks for alerting me.

  3. Pastorius,

    Three words, "One Term President!" Obama maybe worse than Jimmy Carter.

  4. Bush: You're either with us or with the uh ... never mind.
