
Monday, February 01, 2010

Ahmadinejad Says, "Iran Will Deliver A Harsh Blow To Global Arrogance On Feb. 11th"

From Iranian Press TV:

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says the nation will deliver a harsh blow to the "global arrogance" on this year's anniversary of the Islamic Revolution.

"The Islamic Revolution opened a window to liberty for the human race, which was trapped in the dead ends of materialism," Ahmadinejad said during a cabinet meeting on Sunday.

"If the Islamic Revolution had not occurred, liberalism and Marxism would have crushed all human dignity in their power-seeking and money-grubbing claws. Nothing would have remained of human and spiritual principles," he added.

Iranians are expected to pour into the streets on February 11 to celebrate the occasion in public rallies across the country, as they have done annually over the past three decades.

I can't wait.


  1. Then perhaps Israel (us? psh) should deal one motherfucker of a sucker punch on February 10th.

  2. Merkel hinted that February is a precipitous month:

  3. Please Mr. Amadingyjab, don't do it!

    I know it gets painful when that sad time of year once again rolls around, but don't you give up!

    This just might be the year someone finally gets you that Valentine!

  4. TO: Pastorius, et al.
    RE: Sounds Like.... opportunity for a 'football' pool.

    What does anyone think Ahmy's got in mind?


    [May you live in interesting times. -- Ancient Chinese Curse]

  5. Kidnap him for porno pix with Barbara Streisand.

  6. Chuck(le),
    I don't think he has anything in mind. I think he believes he is up shit creek, because of Merkel's statement, and because of the recent U.S. buildup in the Persian Gulf. I think his statement is retaliatory and the usual Muslim bluster.

    He knows he can't do shit, because bad things are coming down the pike, and he doesn't want to make them worse.

    He didn't believe we would do this until now.

    That's my opinion.

  7. TO: Pastorius
    RE: Oh! Yeassss!

    I don't think he has anything in mind. I think he believes he is up shit creek, because of Merkel's statement, and because of the recent U.S. buildup in the Persian Gulf. -- Pastorius

    I agree. He and his regime ARE up, as the Gingerbread Man in Shrek 2 puts it, Up chocolate creek without a popsicle stick.

    However, as we all know, Talk is Cheap. And if you're all blow and no show, you're only digging yourself deeper into that 'chocolate' stuff.

    So. He may be desperate, but he's not a total fool.

    Personally? My money is on his popping a nuke in a 'test' to show he has the power. That would be 'impressive', in light of the fact that a number of intell agencies have said it will be one to five years before he can do such.

    However, I do recall picking up a report today that a North Korean plane was flying SOME 'weapons' into Iran. Might be nuclear, for all we know. Could be one of their little packages.

    Less than a nuke test will only be so much sameo-sameo as he's been pulling all this time. And that is, back deeper in that brown stuff.


    [Close only counts in horseshoes and thermonuclear devices. -- US Air Force Axiom]

  8. Chuck(le),
    That would be interesting if Iran did test a nuke. Hardly a "telling blow".

  9. Not a telling blow, a harsh blow.

    Iran testing a nuke would probably, finally, set things aflame. Even if we sat it out.

    Especially depending on where they test it (Tel Aviv, for instance. . .)

    Still, I agree that this seems like the usual bluster this time of year.

  10. TO: Pastorius
    RE: A 'Telling Blow'

    That would be interesting if Iran did test a nuke. Hardly a "telling blow". -- Pastorius

    True. A test in the out-back of Iran would be 'impressive' but hardly a 'telling blow'.

    A 'telling blow' would be if Iran tested their nuke at 300 miles above Omaha, Nebraska. Check out THIS article. And, based on what I know about that new missile they tested. They could do essentially that from a container ship parked in the Gulf of Mexico.


    [Be prepared. -- Boy Scout credo]

  11. TO: Pastorius
    RE: 'Telling' Indeed

    Yes, that would be telling. -- Pastorius

    Even MORE 'telling' would be Obama's response. And I have to wonder WHAT that would be.


    [Character matters.]

  12. Chuck(le),
    We've posted on the EMF threat here quite a bit.

    I have no idea what Obama would do if such a thing happened. There would be chaos if it did happen.

    And, I think, if he did nothing, the people would rise up and pull him out of the White House with their hands.

    What do you think?

    On the other hand, if such a thing happened, we wouldn't be getting much news, would we?

  13. TO: Pastorius
    RE: That EMP Thing

    We've posted on the EMF (sic) threat here quite a bit. -- Pastorius

    It IS something of a serious threat. Much more serious than any other scenario I can think of. And, day-by-day, becoming more of a possibility. I think it bears discussion. If for no other reason than to get some other people thinking about it and, hopefully, preparing for that contingency.

    [Note: Probably something to do with the latter part of my military career, where I spent my time helping State Area Commands (STARCs) think out how to prepare for national emergencies—think Gulf War I and II—and natural disasters—think Katrina.]

    The point being that if Iran and the Arabs REALLY want to wipe out Israel, and I think they do, they're going to have to neutralize US first. An EMP attack would be the simplest and easiest to do that. Don't you think?

    RE: What 'If'

    And, I think, if he did nothing, the people would rise up and pull him out of the White House with their hands.

    What do you think?
    -- Pastorius


    ....since you ask, I think that he, being the self-admitted Muslim that he is. Remember, he made those CLASSIC Freudian slips :

    [1] His My Muslim Faith comment.

    [2] Bowing to the Sheik of Arabi. It WAS the very first. And earlier he had not bowed to the Queen of England. But ever since that, he's been bowing to just about EVERYONE. Including, today, the Mayor of Tampa, Florida.

    I would expect that whomever stormed the White House looking for him, in this scenario, wouldn't find him. Why? Because he'd be in Saudi Arabia.

    RE: The 'Other' Hand

    On the other hand, if such a thing happened, we wouldn't be getting much news, would we? -- Pastorius

    Not much, unless we were smart enough to have a good emergency/survival-type radio stashed away in a TEMPEST-grade container. {nudge-nudge, wink-wink}


    [Chance favors the prepared mind. -- Louis Pasteur, Father of Modern Microbiology]

    P.S. I order to 'be prepared', one should be able to recognize what we with a military background call 'indicators'. Something to do with (1) seeing the 'dots', (2) connecting them properly and (3) having the courage to recognizing the picture for what it is.

  14. Ack!!!

    That P.S. Should read....

    "In order...."

    Sorry about that....

  15. Chcuk,
    You wrote: if Iran and the Arabs REALLY want to wipe out Israel, and I think they do, they're going to have to neutralize US first. An EMP attack would be the simplest and easiest to do that. Don't you think?

    I say: I hadn't thought of that before. Good point.

  16. How about writing us an article on preparedness, in the case of an EMP attack?

  17. TO: Pastorius
    RE: That's....

    I say: I hadn't thought of that before. Good point. -- Pastorius

    ....understandable. You haven't spent the last 40 years of your life thinking about this sort of stuff, i.e., fighting and winning wars, let alone all the bloody details of survival and preparedness when someone is REALLY 'out to get you'. Twenty-seven years in the infantry gets you there.


    [A healthy sense of paranoia keeps a soldier alive on the modern battlefield.]

    P.S. About writing an article....hmmmm....probably a good idea. However, there are a LOT of others out there who have written some pretty good material already.

    The only adjunct I'd provide would be to suggest people read Niven & Pournelle's classic Lucifer's Hammer and consider the actions of Dr. Dan Forest, the insulin dependent astro-physicist.

  18. Chuck -- I'm betting you've read One Second After by William Forstchen. If you haven't you should. It deals exactly with this scenario. We've posted on the book as well as other info on EMP.

  19. Dammit guys you know how I am about EMP and now you got me dander up.

    I've read about the theories of launching a Scud-like missle from a trawler in the Gulf and sending the U.S. back to the 1700's, a world lit only by fire, if you will.

    And I've read sooo many pundits pooh pooh the possibilty. That you couldn't do it. Not possible.

    And I've always wondered if these are the same dumbasses who said it wasn't possible to have a couple guys learn to fly (but not land) and hijack an airliner using only boxcutters and then use said airliner to knock down some buildings and cause the Greatest Nation Ever Conceived to experience it's blackest day and send it's citizens to war with a cult and ultimately divide those citizens in ways not seen since the 1860s.

    Yep, bet it's the same bunch of dumbasses.

    (I better on check on the ammo and supplies in the bunker)

    And remember, all, and I've said this before, if this happens none of us are ever likely to know what became of each other.

    Fucking Islam. . .

  20. I must admit, I do have a hard time believing one nuke could take out the entire US, but what do I know about Physics.

  21. TO: Pastorius
    RE: Not Entirely

    I do have a hard time believing one nuke could take out the entire US.... -- Pastorius

    To "take out the entire US" would require something along the lines of 'Judgement Day' from the Terminator movies, i.e., a MASSIVE nuclear laydown.

    BUT, what an EMP burst at 300 miles above Omaha would do is knock out any unhardened/unprotected microchips. And, considering our reliance on them, that means that most of our electronic/electric infrastructure would be whacked. At least over 95% of the country, based on the maps I've seen. Only the extreme northerneaster parts of Maine and maybe Bellingham, Washington would be 'spared'.

    Now....what would happen with the population when there's no more food available at the grocery stores because we can't pump gas into the trucks or trains that deliver such across the country? Want a clue? Read Lucifer's Hammer.


    [Food: An important part of a well-balanced diet.]

  22. Chuck,
    You said: what an EMP burst at 300 miles above Omaha would do is knock out any unhardened/unprotected microchips. And, considering our reliance on them, that means that most of our electronic/electric infrastructure would be whacked. At least over 95% of the country, based on the maps I've seen.

    I say: Yes, I am aware of that. I phrased my response incorrectly.

    The above scenario is hard to believe. I'm not saying I don't believe it. I am saying, it's hard to believe.

    I have posted on EMF attacks here, and so have Epa, MR, and RRA.

    Believe me, we hammer that home.

    That doesn't mean it's not hard to believe.

    And, if a guy like me has a hard time with it, when I am so exposed to the facts, imagine the regular person out there. They won't believe it for a second.

  23. TO: midnight rider
    RE: Readings

    I'm betting you've read One Second After by William Forstchen. If you haven't you should. -- midnight rider

    Haven't read it. Probably don't need to. I've been dealing with this sort of think—and much, much more—since the mid-80s.


    [I've seen the future; and it has a price tag. And it's 'steep'.]

  24. TO: Pastorius
    RE: Well....

    And, if a guy like me has a hard time with it, when I am so exposed to the facts, imagine the regular person out there. They won't believe it for a second. -- Pastorius

    ....I guess I was alluding to that in that business about "(1) seeing the 'dots', (2) connecting them properly and (3) having the courage to recognizing the picture for what it is," earlier.

    On the other hand, it's a similar situation with trying to explain to honest-to-God Christians—even the born-again variety—that it's later than they care to think.

    They just don't have the 'courage' to recognize the 'picture'. Even when it's right there in front of their eyes in so much black and white. All they need to do is as I said immediately above....dots, connections and courage.


    [Events in prophesy are closer than you think.]

  25. TO: All
    RE: Hmmmmmm

    the Iranian President upped the ante on his promised February 11 "telling blow against global arrogance" with his prediction of the "end of American civilization." -- Another Article on Ahmy's Speech

    Things are looking more like that scenario we've been discussing here.


    [Don't Panic -- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy]

    P.S. Better go wash my towel....

  26. TO: All
    RE: As If.... weren't interesting enough already, check out THIS REPORT.

    I find it the report interesting for several reasons:

    [1] Who knew they had the tech to put objects into orbit? I certainly didn't pick up the report via any of my sources, limited as they are to just about all most people have: newspapers, television, the web, etc.

    [2] A military staff PR hack giving a briefing on a biological 'scientific' project?

    [3] What if there is more in there than some dumb animals?

    [4] When is this satellite supposed to complete it's 'mission'? Anything like 11 February 2010?


    [Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they AREN'T to get you.]

    P.S. I'll wager the folks at NORAD are 'having kittens' right now. The neighbor who used to live across the street from me in C'Springs worked in the mountain. It was always interesting to talk with him.

  27. I knew Iran had put a satellite into orbit awhile back.

    This article doesn't make clear whether Iran believes they can return that rocket to Earth.

    If so, that would be an impressive feat.

  28. TO: Pastorius
    RE: Okay

    I knew Iran had put a satellite into orbit awhile back. -- Pastorius

    Got a citation? Url?


    [Trust, but verify.]


  30. TO: Pastorius
    RE: Got It


    Sorry I missed this report LAST year. I would have been working toward better preparedness sooner.

    Oh well...

    ....we're nothing if we're not 'flexible'.


    [Life is FULL of surprises. Many of them are unpleasant. But we still have to work with em. -- CBPelto]

  31. TO: All
    RE: Pardon Me, But....

    Iran successfully launched a research rocket into outer space carrying a mouse, two turtles and worms Wednesday, but failed to put anything into orbit, two U.S. officials tell Fox News. -- Article @ Fox News

    ....considering THIS 'administration', how can we know if they're telling the truth. Secondly, how can a 'successful launch' NOT put a satellite into 'orbit'? If it didn't put the satellite into orbit, it was not a successful launch.

    God! How I LOVE the English language. It offers so many opportunities to tell lies.


    [A half truth is often a great lie. -- Benjamin Franklin]

  32. TO: All
    RE: Sooooo.....

    It looks like the high-muckity-muck of Iran has re-enforced what our friend Ahmy said last week when Iran launched that satellite.

    I like the way Ledeen puts it, when he says....

    What might he have in mind? I don’t know; they say a lot of things just for effect, but threats/promises from the supreme leader have a certain standing.

    Ledeen goes on to counsel Israel to double-check their data on possible threats.

    I'm thinking more at home.


    [Chance favors the prepared mind.....]
